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Self-consumption of electricity from renewable sources

Dehler, J. ORCID iD icon; Keles, D.; Telsnig, T.; Fleischer, B.; Baumann, M. ORCID iD icon; Fraboulet, D.; Faure, A.; Fichtner, W. ORCID iD icon


If the cost of energy production from renewable energy sources (RES) reduces below the level of electricity retail prices, self-consumption (SC) can contribute to market integration of RES. Support schemes such as feed-in tariffs could be phased out in view of parity of retail prices and RES production costs. In combination with electricity storage and demand response (DR), SC can facilitate the integration of variable renewables onto the grid and lower the overall costs of the energy system through load shifting particularly if storage and DR is managed using ICT and algorithms controlling charging cycles and usage of electric devices.
Some issues remain however: Self-consumption potential is limited without further technical enhancements in storage or DR solutions. To organize self-consumption efficiently, measures on the grid side and energy storage have to be taken. Enabling the grid to provide necessary information back to prosumers and vice versa, as well as developing economic ways of storing energy is key to unleashing the potential that lies within the transition from passive consumers to active prosumers. Different policies, such as the support of investments to storage installations, can foster those developments.
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Volltext §
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000052980
Cover der Publikation
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP)
Publikationstyp Forschungsbericht/Preprint
Publikationsjahr 2015
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator urn:nbn:de:swb:90-529806
KITopen-ID: 1000052980
Verlag INSIGHT_E - An Energy think tank informing the European Commission
Serie Rapid Response Energy Brief ; 6
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KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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