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Orientation and Location of the Cyclotide Kalata B1 in Lipid Bilayers Revealed by Solid-State NMR

Grage, S. L. ORCID iD icon 1; Sani, M.-A.; Cheneval, O.; Henriques, S. T.; Schalck, C. 1; Heinzmann, R. 1; Mylne, J. S.; Mykhailiuk, P. K.; Afonin, S. 1; Komarov, I. V.; Separovic, F.; Craik, D. J.; Ulrich, A. S. 1,2
1 Institut für Biologische Grenzflächen (IBG), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
2 Institut für Organische Chemie (IOC), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Abstract (englisch):

Cyclotides are ultra-stable cyclic disulfide-rich peptides from plants. Their biophysical effects and medically interesting activities are related to their membrane-binding properties, with particularly high affinity for phosphatidylethanolamine lipids. In this study we were interested in understanding the molecular details of cyclotide-membrane interactions, specifically with regard to the spatial orientation of the cyclotide kalata B1 from Oldenlandia affinis when embedded in a lipid bilayer. Our experimental approach was based on the use of solid-state $^{19}$F-NMR of oriented bilayers in conjunction with the conformationally restricted amino acid L-3-(trifluoromethyl)bicyclopent-[1.1.1]-1-ylglycine as an orientation-sensitive $^{19}$F-NMR probe. Its rigid connection to the kalata B1 backbone scaffold, together with the well-defined structure of the cyclotide, allowed us to calculate the protein alignment in the membrane directly from the orientation-sensitive $^{19}$F-NMR signal. The hydrophobic and polar residues on the surface of kalata B1 form well-separated patches, endowing this cyclotide with a pronounced amphipathicity. The peptide orientation, as determined by NMR, showed that this amphipathic structure matches the polar/apolar interface of the lipid bilayer very well. ... mehr

DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2016.12.040
Zitationen: 17
Web of Science
Zitationen: 16
Zitationen: 19
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Biologische Grenzflächen (IBG)
Institut für Organische Chemie (IOC)
Publikationstyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Publikationsjahr 2017
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator ISSN: 0006-3495, 1542-0086
KITopen-ID: 1000067540
HGF-Programm 47.02.02 (POF III, LK 01) Zellpopul.auf Biofunk.Oberflächen IBG-2
Erschienen in Biophysical journal
Verlag Biophysical Society
Band 112
Heft 4
Seiten 630-642
Vorab online veröffentlicht am 28.02.2017
Externe Relationen Abstract/Volltext
Nachgewiesen in Scopus
Web of Science
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