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Verification of test-based identified simulation models

Albers, Albert; Schwarz, Alexander; Behrendt, Matthias


Technical systems must be continuously improved so that they can remain competitive in the market. Also the time-to-market is an important factor for the success of a product. So new methods and processes are needed in the to achieve this aim. Especially the test-based optimization is a important phases in the development process.In [1] there is shows a method, which helps to reduce the time effort of the test-based optimization. The basic idea is to use measured test data to parameterize a physical (or mostly physical) model structure to create adequate models for the optimization. The main advantage of the method is the reduction of test effort because the number of variations of the design parameter is one, or extremely decreased (depending on the system). At the example of the gearshift quality evaluation of a vehicle with a 7-speed double clutch gearbox, this method saves up to 80\% time on the testbed. One imported task during the method is to ensure a sufficient model quality. There for this contribution shows methods to this. Furthermore this contribution shows a method to ensure that the model behaves physical correct.This contribution uses the example of the gearshiftquality. ... mehr

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Produktentwicklung (IPEK)
Publikationstyp Vortrag
Publikationsjahr 2013
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000067618
Veranstaltung ASME Verification and Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 22-24, 2013
Schlagwörter Validierung; zeiteffizient; timeefficient; test-based; DOE; versuchsbasiert; Optimierung

Seitenaufrufe: 165
seit 22.05.2018
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