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Behaviour of Glulam and LVL Beams Loaded Perpendicular to the Grain

Windeck, Lukas; Blaß, Hans Joachim

Abstract (englisch):

The paper discusses the behaviour of glulam and LVL beams loaded perpendicular to the
grain. Tests were performed where different configurations were examined: In case of glulam, the support length and the load situation were varied. In the LVL tests, the veneer orientation was
additionally varied. The deformations across the beam height are analysed for glulam beams. The main
contribution to the deformation occurs in the immediate vicinity of the contact area.
However, also areas in the middle and lower area of the beam height significantly contribute to the total deformation.
A design model based on effective stresses and the contributing grain length is proposed for the analyzed materials which allows the direct consideration of deformation and is in good agreement with the load deformation curves of the performed tests. A differentiation between and ULS and SLS is possible.

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine (VAKA)
Publikationstyp Proceedingsbeitrag
Publikationsjahr 2018
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000086356
Erschienen in Proceedings of the International Network on Timber Engineering Research (INTER) - 5th Meeting 51, Tallinn, EST, August 13-16, 2018. Ed.: R. Görlacher
Verlag Timber Scientific Publishing
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Seitenaufrufe: 230
seit 15.10.2018
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