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Tracking emerging mycotoxins in food: development of an LC-MS/MS method for free and modified Alternaria toxins

Puntscher, Hannes; Kütt, Mary-Liis; Skrinjar, Philipp; Mikula, Hannes; Podlech, Joachim ORCID iD icon 1; Fröhlich, Johannes; Marko, Doris; Warth, Benedikt
1 Institut für Organische Chemie (IOC), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)


Mycotoxins produced by Alternaria fungi are ubiquitous food contaminants, but analytical methods for generating comprehensive exposure data are rare. We describe the development of an LC-MS/MS method covering 17 toxins for investigating the natural occurrence of free and modified Alternaria toxins in tomato sauce, sunflower seed oil, and wheat flour. Target analytes included alternariol (AOH), AOH-3-glucoside, AOH-9-glucoside, AOH-3-sulfate, alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), AME-3-glucoside, AME-3-sulfate, altenuene, isoaltenuene, tenuazonic acid (TeA), tentoxin (TEN), altertoxin I and II, alterperylenol, stemphyltoxin III, altenusin, and altenuic acid III. Extensive optimization resulted in a time- and cost-effective sample preparation protocol and a chromatographic baseline separation of included isomers. Overall, adequate limits of detection (0.03–9 ng/g) and quantitation (0.6–18 ng/g), intermediate precision (9–44%), and relative recovery values (75–100%) were achieved. However, stemphyltoxin III, AOH-3-sulfate, AME-3-sulfate, altenusin, and altenuic acid III showed recoveries in wheat flour below 70%, while their performance was stable and reproducible. ... mehr

Verlagsausgabe §
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000089500
Veröffentlicht am 15.01.2019
DOI: 10.1007/s00216-018-1105-8
Zitationen: 105
Web of Science
Zitationen: 96
Zitationen: 100
Cover der Publikation
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Organische Chemie (IOC)
Publikationstyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Publikationsmonat/-jahr 07.2018
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator ISSN: 1618-2642, 1618-2650
KITopen-ID: 1000089500
Erschienen in Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Band 410
Heft 18
Seiten 4481–4494
Vorab online veröffentlicht am 16.05.2018
Schlagwörter Alternaria alternata, Maskedmycotoxins, Perylenequinones, Liquidchromatography, Tandemmassspectrometry , Food safety
Nachgewiesen in Scopus
Web of Science
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