Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT | Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung Troposphärenforschung (IMKTRO) KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt (ZKU) |
Publikationstyp | Forschungsdaten |
Publikationsjahr | 2019 |
Erstellungsdatum | 01.02.2017 - 31.08.2018 |
Identifikator | DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000093534 KITopen-ID: 1000093534 |
HGF-Programm | 12.01.02 (POF III, LK 01) Proc.res.f.multisc.predictab.of weather |
Lizenz | Creative Commons Namensnennung – Nicht kommerziell – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International |
Projektinformation | Stadtklima-B-3DO-TP7 (BMBF, 01LP1602G) |
Schlagwörter | eastward wind; northward wind; vertical velocity; wind profiles; lidar; Stuttgart; KITcube; atmosphere cloud liquid water content; atmosphere mass content of water vapor; infrared radiometer brightness temperature; air pressure; microwave radiometer HATPRO; absolute humidity profile; air temperature profile; virtual tower; dual-Doppler lidar technique |
Liesmich | DATA SET DESCRIPTION1. Spatial coverageThe measuring data were collected during intensive observation periods (IOP) in Stuttgart, Germany, under the BMBF Programme ‘Urban Climate Under Change’ [UC]2. 2. Temporal coverage01.02.2017 - 31.08.2018 3. Data file structure and variablesThe parent UC2_IMK_TRO_KIT data folder contains archived directories, corresponding to a particular measuring device (WINDCUBE8, RPG_HATPRO_G4 and VIRTUAL_TOWERS ). RPG_HATPRO_G4 folder contains data files from microwave radiometer measurements. The stored variables are cloud liquid water content, atmosphere mass content of water vapor, infrared radiometer brightness temperature, air pressure, as well as vertical temperature profiles and vertical absolute humidity profiles. VIRTUAL_TOWERS folder contains profiles of horizontal wind retrieved with the dual-Doppler Lidar technique ‘Virtual towers’. 4. Devices and LocationsThe Doppler wind lidar WINDCUBE8 (WLS8-3 manufactured by Leosphere) was located on a rooftop of the city hall in the city centre (48.774667°N / 9.178287°E). The name of this location is cityhall. This abbreviation is the part of file name; see paragraph 6. The microwave radiometer (RPG HATPRO G4) manufactured by RPG-Radiometer Physics GmbH was located on a rooftop of the city hall tower in the city centre (48.775017°N / 9.177928°E). The name of this location is cityhalltow. This abbreviation is the part of file name; see paragraph 6. The six virtual towers were located in the Stuttgart city basin and in the Neckar valley. The names and coordinates of the six virtual towers are: wolfram (48.792912°N / 9.180950°E), citycannstat (48.788833°N / 9.190096°E), citywera (48.787575°N / 9.194673°E), naehter (48.780160°N / 9.226197°E), bcmercedes (48.787883°N / 9.233923°E), uthbherzogen (48.794566°N / 9.245064°E). These abbreviations are the parts of file names; see paragraph 6. 5. Type of filesWINDCUBE8, RPG_HATPRO_G4, VIRTUAL_TOWERS folders contain NetCDF-files created using Matlab R2016b regarding CF-1.7 convention. 6. The file nameThe name of the NetCDF-file consists of some abbreviations: Example: IOP02-S-cityhall-KITimktro-meteo-20170815-1.nc campaign: IOP0X , where X is the number of an IOP. X=1: February-March 2017. X=2: June-August 2018. X=3: January-March 2018. X=4: June-August 2018. location: S indicates Stuttgart. site: i.e cityhall stands for location of WINDCUBE8. See paragraph 4. acronym: KITimktro, stands for Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Department Troposphere Research. origin_date: measuring date in the format YYYYMMDD (year, month, day) YYYYMMDD. version: 1 data_content: see paragraph 7. 7. Data contentWINDCUBE8 folder contains data files with two different data contents: meteo and w. The data file with the content meteo includes time series profiles of eastward (ua) wind and northward wind (va) vectors averaged over 10 minutes periods. The data file with the content w includes time series profile of vertical wind velocity (time resolution of 7 sec). Information about processing of variables is given in the global attributes and in the attributes for the individual variables in each NetCDF-file. |
Art der Forschungsdaten | Dataset |
Rechteinhaber | KIT |