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Towards Velocity Turnpikes in Optimal Control of Mechanical Systems

Faulwasser, Timm; Flasskamp, K.; Ober-Bloebaum, S.; Worthmann, K.

Abstract (englisch):

The paper proposes first steps towards the formalization and characterization of time-varying turnpikes in optimal control of mechanical systems. We propose the concepts of velocity steady states, which can be considered as partial steady states, and hyperbolic velocity turnpike properties for analysis and control. We show for a specific example that, for all finite horizons, both the (essential part of the) optimal solution and the orbit of the timevarying turnpike correspond to (optimal) trim solutions. Hereby, the present paper appears to be the first to combine the concepts of trim primitives and time-varying turnpike properties.

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Anwendungen der Informatik (IIAI)
Universität Karlsruhe (TH) – Interfakultative Einrichtungen (Interfakultative Einrichtungen)
Publikationstyp Forschungsbericht/Preprint
Publikationsjahr 2019
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000096447
HGF-Programm 37.06.01 (POF III, LK 01) Networks and Storage Integration
Nachgewiesen in arXiv
KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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