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Round Robin Exercise of the Candidate ATF Cladding Materials Within the ACTOF Project [in press]

Ševeček, M.; Krejčí, J.; Chalupová, A.; Kabátová, J.; Manoch, F.; Kočí, J.; Cvrček, L.; Tang, C.; Steinbrűck, M. ORCID iD icon; Grosse, M.; Penttilä, S.; Autio, J.-M.; Lydman, J.; Toivonen, A.; Sartowska, B.; Starosta, W.; Waliś, L.; Hózer, Z.; Novotny, T.; ... mehr

Abstract (englisch):

The paper presents a summary of the round robin test activity organized within the IAEA ACTOF project. The test conditions and sample matrix were finalized during fall 2017 and the tests have been performed during the next 14 months. Two fundamental experimental tests related to normal operating conditions and accidental conditions of LWRs were defined: High-temperature steam oxidation and Long-term corrosion tests. Originally, four
laboratories/institutes joined the round robin exercise – CTU in Prague, KIT, VTT, and INCT. Later, also MTA EK joined the activity. Zircaloy-2 substrate was provided by Westinghouse Electric Company and two institutes applied their protective coatings on its surface (CTU – pure Cr coating and INCT – ZrSi-Cr coating). KIT applied MAX phase coating on Zircaloy-4 substrate. Additionally, AISI 348 steel provided by USP, Brazil was tested. The geometry of the samples varied based on the needs of particular institutes. Long-term corrosion tests were performed by three laboratories in PWR and VVER chemistry for at least 63 cumulative days. High-temperature steam oxidation tests were performed by four institutes at three pre-defined conditions. ... mehr

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Angewandte Materialien – Angewandte Werkstoffphysik (IAM-AWP)
Publikationstyp Proceedingsbeitrag
Publikationsjahr 2019
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000100331
HGF-Programm 32.02.11 (POF III, LK 01) Auslegungsüberschreitende Störfälle
Erschienen in Top Fuel 2019, American Nuclear Society, Seattle, WA, September, 22-26
Verlag Greyden Press
Seiten 283-290
KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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