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Identifying service provider and transport system related effects of different ridesourcing service schemes through simulation within the travel demand model mobiTopp

Wilkes, Gabriel; Briem, Lars; Heilig, Michael; Hilgert, Tim; Kagerbauer, Martin; Vortisch, Peter


Ridesourcing differentiated in ride-pooling and ride-hailing have become popular recently. With the rising importance of these services, the need arises to integrate them into travel demand models to examine effects on e.g. modal split. As they present strong interdependencies between the choices of different people, agent-based model approaches are especially suitable to simulate them. This paper presents the integration of ride-hailing and ride-pooling services into the agent-based travel demand model mobiTopp. The mode choices are extended by a ridesourcing service, and this is integrated into the decision-making processes on an agent’s level. We performed simulation runs in an exemplary scenario with several variations with up to 1,600 vehicles for the city of Stuttgart, Germany. In this paper, we analyze the results such as the number of bookings, trip times, and occupation rates, as well as effects on other travel modes. The vehicles’ mileage is around 270 to 370 km per day and they are booked nearly all the time, which indicates room for an even bigger fleet. However, the results are merely given as examples for possible analysis, as the mode choice parameters are estimated out of a rough database. ... mehr

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Verkehrswesen (IFV)
Publikationstyp Proceedingsbeitrag
Publikationsjahr 2019
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000105591
Erschienen in International Conference on Mobility as a Service (iCoMaaS)
Veranstaltung 2nd International Conference on Mobility as a Service (ICoMaaS 2019), Tampere, Finnland, 03.12.2019 – 04.12.2019

Seitenaufrufe: 216
seit 08.02.2020
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