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Versatile Configuration and Control Framework for Real Time Data Acquisition Systems

Karcher, Nick; Gebauer, Richard ORCID iD icon; Bauknecht, Robin; Illichmann, Rainer; Sander, Oliver


Modern physics experiments often utilize FPGA-based systems for real-time data acquisition. Integrated analog electronics demand for complex calibration routines. Furthermore, versatile configuration and control of the whole system is a key requirement. Beside low-level register interface to the FPGA, also access to I2C and SPI buses is often needed to configure the complete system. Calibration through an FPGA is inflexible and yields a complex hardware implementation. On the contrary, calibration through a remote system is possible but considerably slower due to repetitive network accesses. By using SoC-FPGA solutions with a microprocessor, more sophisticated configuration and calibration solutions, as well as standard remote access protocols, can be efficiently integrated in software.
Based on Xilinx Zynq US+ SoC-FPGAs, we implemented a versatile control framework. This software framework offers a convenient access to the hardware and a flexible abstraction via remote-procedure calls (RPCs). Based on the open source RPC library gRPC, functionality with low-latent control flow, complex algorithms, data conversions and processing, as well as configuration via external buses can be provided to a client via Ethernet. ... mehr

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik (IPE)
Publikationstyp Forschungsbericht/Preprint
Publikationsjahr 2020
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000127100
HGF-Programm 54.02.02 (POF III, LK 01) Ultraschnelle Datenauswertung
Nachgewiesen in arXiv
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