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CROSSINN (Cross-valley flow in the Inn Valley investigated by dual-Doppler lidar measurements) - KITcube data sets [CHM 15k, GRAW, HATPRO2, Mobotix, Photos]

Adler, Bianca; Babić, Nevio; Kalthoff, Norbert; Wieser, Andreas


Die hier zu findenden Datensätze wurden mit der KITcube-Messplattform im Inntal, Österreich, vom 1.8.2019 bis 13.10.2019, im Rahmen der CROSSINN-Feldkampagne (Cross-valley flow in the Inn Valley investigated by dual-Doppler lidar measurements) erhoben. Das Ziel der Kampagne war es, die multiskalige dreidimensionale Strömungsstruktur und den Einfluss der Strömung auf die Struktur und Entwicklung der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht (MoBL) über dem Inntal zu untersuchen. Weitere Details der Kampagne sind in Adler et al. (2020) zu finden.

Adler B., A. Gohm, N. Kalthoff, N. Babić, U. ... mehr

Abstract (englisch):

The data sets found here were collected with the KITcube measurement platform in the Inn Valley, Austria, from 1 Aug 2019 to 13 Oct 2019, within the CROSSINN field campaign (Cross-valley flow in the Inn Valley investigated by dual-Doppler lidar measurements). The goal of the campaign was to study the multi-scale three-dimensional flow structure and the impact of the flow on the mountain atmospheric boundary layer (MoBL) structure and evolution across the Inn Valley. Further details of the campaign can be found in Adler et al (2020).

Adler B., A. Gohm, N. Kalthoff, N. ... mehr

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung Troposphärenforschung (IMKTRO)
KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt (ZKU)
Publikationstyp Forschungsdaten
Publikationsdatum 20.01.2021
Erstellungsdatum 01.08.2019 - 13.10.2019
Identifikator DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000127577
KITopen-ID: 1000127577
Weitere HGF-Programme 12.01.02 (POF III, LK 01) Proc.res.f.multisc.predictab.of weather
Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung – Nicht kommerziell – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International
Projektinformation DFG, DFG EIN, AD 575/1-1
Schlagwörter complex terrain; mountain boundary layer; cross-valley flow; along-valley flow; Kolsass; Hochhaeuser; Mairbach; wind profile; Doppler lidar; radial velocity; dual-Doppler lidar technique; coplanar retrieval; microwave radiometer; atmosphere cloud liquid water content; atmosphere mass content of water vapor; infrared radiometer brightness temperature; air pressure; absolute humidity profile; air temperature profile; radiosonde; sky-view camera; backscatter ceilometer


1. Spatial coverage

Measurements were collected during the CROSSINN field campaign in the Inn Valley, Austria. The focus of the campaign was located at a mild valley curvature approximately 20 km northeast of Innsbruck. To optimize deployment requirements (power, permits, etc.) as well as to reduce demand for additional KITcube flux towers, all instruments were deployed as close as possible to three pre-existing i-Box flux towers (CS-VF0, CS-SF1, CS-NF27).

2. Temporal coverage

01.08.2019 - 13.10.2019

3. Instrument details and data file structure

Available here are archived directories, corresponding to a particular device (CHM15k, GRAW, HATPRO2, Mobotix, and Photos).

CHM15k .zip file contains daily NetCDF files organized into monthly folders. Measurements were collected with the CHM 15k ceilometer (Lufft GmbH) deployed at Kolsass. The ceilometer sampled uncalibrated backscatter profiles in zenith mode.

GRAW .zip file contains final L2 files for each sounding performed during the ten CROSSINN IOPs (Intensive Observation Period), organized into their respective IOP folders. Further details of the setup can be found in two PDFs:

  • CROSSINN_GRAW_postprocessing_procedures.pdf contains detailed explanations on the steps involved in generating the final L2 files.
  • CROSSINN_IOP_overview.pdf represents a visualisation of all soundings launched during CROSSINN.

HATPRO2 .zip file contains data files from microwave radiometer HATPRO-G4 (Radiometer Physics). Available are data files at various post-processing levels (raw, levels 0, 1, 2), processed with algorithms
provided by the University of Cologne (more details can be found here: Temperature profiles before 16 August 2019 are not usable due to issues with temperature channels. The stored variables are cloud liquid water content, atmosphere mass content of water vapor, infrared radiometer brightness temperature, air pressure, as well as vertical temperature profiles and vertical absolute humidity profiles.

Mobotix .zip file contains image files created by the MX-S15D visible and infrared camera system (Mobotix AG) deployed at Kolsass. Images are organized into hourly, daily, and monthly folders, respectively. The camera operated in four modes (there is one .zip file for each of the four modes):
D10Sky - zenith fish-eye view.
D22Land - view towards the north, capturing the i-Box CS-VF0 flux tower, HATPRO2, CHM15k (foreground) and the A12 Autobahn (background).
D43Sky - zenith view of the atmosphere (visible)
L43SkyThermal - zenith view of the atmosphere (infrared)

Photos .zip file contains two compressed files with an assortment of photos taken by various individuals throughout the campaign, during IOPs, as well as during the deployment/teardown phases.

4. Locations

With the exception of the WLS200s-115 (@ Hochhaeuser) and WLS200s-125 (@ Mairbach) Windcube Doppler lidars, all other KITcube instruments were deployed at Kolsass, the headquarter site for the field campaign. All sondes were also launched and tracked from Kolsass.

Kolsass - 47.305290°N / 11.622231°E
Hochhaeuser - 47.286182°N / 11.631232°E
Mairbach - 47.326664°N / 11.608736°E

5. Contact

Contact for any questions regarding the data sets.

6. References

Haid, M., 2019: marenha/doppler_wind_lidar_toolbox: First release (v1.0.0). Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3583083

Art der Forschungsdaten Dataset
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