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Designing Multimodal BI&A Systems for Co-Located Team Interactions

Ruoff, Marcel ORCID iD icon; Gnewuch, Ulrich

Abstract (englisch):

Teams are crucial for organizations in making data-driven decisions. However, current business intelligence & analytics (BI&A) systems are primarily designed to support individuals and, therefore, cannot be used effectively in co-located team interactions. To address this challenge, we conduct a design science research (DSR) project to design a multimodal BI&A system providing touch and speech interactions that can be used effectively by teams. Drawing on the theory of effective use and existing guidelines for multimodal user interfaces, we propose three design principles and instantiate them in a software artifact. The results of a focus group evaluation indicate that enhancing the BI&A system with multimodal capabilities increases transparent interaction and facilitates effective use of the system in co-located team interactions. Our DSR project contributes novel design knowledge for multimodal BI&A systems with touch and speech modalities that facilitate effective use in co-located team interactions.

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Marketing (IISM)
Publikationstyp Proceedingsbeitrag
Publikationsjahr 2021
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000134505
Erschienen in ECIS 2021 Proceedings - European Conference on Information Systems. Human Values Crisis in a Digitizing World
Veranstaltung 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), Online, 14.06.2021 – 16.06.2021
Verlag Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Seiten Article no: 1610
Serie ECIS 2021 Research Papers
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Seitenaufrufe: 163
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