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Contributing research data to: Fused-silica 3D chiral metamaterials via helium-assisted micro-casting supporting topologically protected twist edge resonances with high mechanical quality factors

Köpfler, Julian; Frenzel, Tobias [Beteiligte*r]; Schmalian, Jörg [Beteiligte*r]; Wegener, Martin [Beteiligte*r]

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Angewandte Physik (APH)
Institut für Nanotechnologie (INT)
Institut für QuantenMaterialien und Technologien (IQMT)
Institut für Theorie der Kondensierten Materie (TKM)
Publikationstyp Forschungsdaten
Publikationsdatum 14.07.2021
Erstellungsdatum 06.07.2021 - 08.07.2021
Identifikator DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000135066
KITopen-ID: 1000135066
Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International
Projektinformation 3DMM2O; ExNet-0032-Phase2-3 (HGF, HGF IVF2016 STRATPART, ExNet-0032-Phase2-3)
3DMM2O (ZEISS-STFG, 0563-2.8/713/3)

General Information

This repository contains research data contributing to the Advanced Materials publication
"Fused-silica 3D chiral metamaterials via helium-assisted micro-casting supporting topologically protected twist edge resonances with high mechanical quality factors"
by J. Köpfler, T. Frenzel, J. Schmalian, and M. Wegener.

Folder structure:


  • contains the 3D printing files for the microstructure casts and a file that was used to design the 3D microcast
  • contains the digital microscope images and the data table that was used to determine the geometrical dimensions of the fused-silica microstructures


  • contains the files for the FEM-calculations of the band structure, eigenmodes and resonances of the microstructure with the determined geometrical dimensions
  • contains files for comparison of the calculated band structure with the measured resonance data


  • contains the image series that were acquired during the frequency sweeps to determine the resonances of the polymer forks, fused-silica tuning forks, the fused silica 3D chiral microstructure, and the excitation of the piezo actuator at the microstructure bottom plate
  • contains the scripts to extract displacement data and generate the resonance plots etc.

Experimental data treatment:

Image cross-correlation was performed using the "grid_generator_" functions on the digital images, followed by the "automate_images_" functions. The resulting datasets "validx.dat" and "validy.dat" for the tracked x- and y-displacements are loaded, processed, collected, and plotted via the specific "combine_parts_" functions in the individual measurement folders. Details can be found in the "paper_contribution.txt" files in the individual folders.

Art der Forschungsdaten Dataset

Seitenaufrufe: 131
seit 14.07.2021
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