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On Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types and Equivocation in Byzantine Setups

Jacob, Florian ORCID iD icon; Bayreuther, Saskia; Hartenstein, Hannes


We explore the property of equivocation tolerance for Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). We show that a subclass of CRDTs is equivocation-tolerant and can thereby cope with any number of Byzantine faults: Without equivocation detection, prevention or remediation, they still fulfill strong eventual consistency (SEC). We also conjecture that there is only one operation-based CRDT design supporting non-commutative operations that fulfills SEC in Byzantine environments with any number of faults.

Volltext §
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000137905
Veröffentlicht am 27.09.2021
Cover der Publikation
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Informationssicherheit und Verlässlichkeit (KASTEL)
Kompetenzzentrum für angewandte Sicherheitstechnologie (KASTEL)
Publikationstyp Forschungsbericht/Preprint
Publikationsdatum 23.09.2021
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000137905
Verlag arxiv
Vorab online veröffentlicht am 22.09.2021
Schlagwörter Equivocation Tolerance, Non-Equivocation, Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types, Byzantine Fault Model, Omission Fault Model
Nachgewiesen in arXiv
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