Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT | Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik (IANM) Sonderforschungsbereich 1173 (SFB 1173) |
Publikationstyp | Forschungsdaten |
Publikationsdatum | 24.02.2022 |
Erstellungsdatum | 21.02.2022 |
Identifikator | DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000143199 KITopen-ID: 1000143199 |
Lizenz | Creative Commons Namensnennung – Nicht kommerziell – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International |
Projektinformation | SFB 1173/2 (DFG, DFG KOORD, SFB 1173/2 2019) |
Schlagwörter | dynamical low-rank approximation, matrix differential equations, rank-adaptivity |
Liesmich | Instructions: The scripts inside the subfolders are intended to reproduce the figures from the by Marlis Hochbruck, Markus Neher, and Stefan Schrammer Requirements The codes are tested with Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and Python 3.8.5 and the following version of its modules:
Generation of figures (tikz files containing the data are also created) In the folder fracginz open a console and run the commands
In the folder fracschr open a console and run the commands
In the folder laserplasma open a console and run the commands
In the folder sineg open a console and run the commands
If the reference solutions shall be recomputed, uncomment the line methods.append(...) at the beginning of the scripts fgl.py, fsr.py, lpi.py, and sineg.py, respectively. |
Art der Forschungsdaten | Dataset |
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