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Prototype Implementation: Uncertainty-aware Confidentiality Analysis Using Architectural Variations

Bitschi, Tizian

Abstract (englisch):

Dataset for the bachelor thesis "Uncertainty-aware Confidentiality Analysis Using Architectural Variations"

The ZIP file contains the Eclipse project of the prototype with installation instructions and the models used, modeled in the Palladio Component Model.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7236106
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Informationssicherheit und Verlässlichkeit (KASTEL)
Publikationstyp Forschungsdaten
Publikationsdatum 21.10.2022
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000153078
HGF-Programm 46.23.03 (POF IV, LK 01) Engineering Security for Mobility Systems
Weitere HGF-Programme 46.23.01 (POF IV, LK 01) Methods for Engineering Secure Systems

See README in ZIP file.

Relationen in KITopen
Referent/Betreuer Hahner, Sebastian
KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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