Each sample contains the following files:
"flat_document.png" (2200x1700x3, uint8, 0-255), showcasing a document in perfect condition.
"flat_information_delta.png" displays all texts which represent invoice data (2200x1700x3, uint8, 0-255).
"flat_template.png" is an empty invoice template (2200x1700x3, uint8, 0-255).
"flat_text_mask.png" visually presents all texts shown in the given document (2200x1700x3, uint8, 0-255).
"warped_angle.png" shows warping-induced x- and y-axis angle (1600x1600x2, float32, -Pi to Pi).
"warped_albedo.png" is an albedo map (1600x1600x3, uint8, 0-255).
"warped_BM.npz" stores backward mapping, i. e. the realtive pixel shift from warped to normalized image for each pixel shifts (1600x1600x2, float32, 0-1).
"warped_curvature.npz" has pixel-wise curvature of the warped document (1600x1600x1, float32, 0-inf).
"warped_depth.npz" holds per-pixel depth between camera and document (1600x1600x3, float32, 0-inf).
"warped_document.png" displays the warped document (1600x1600x3, uint8, 0-255).
"warped_normal.npz" contains warped document normals (1600x1600x3, float32, -inf to inf).
"warped_recon.png" features a chess-textured warped document (1600x1600x3, uint8, 0-255).
"warped_text_mask.npz" is a boolean text pixel mask (1600x1600x1, bool8, True/False).
"warped_UV.npz" stores warped texture coordinates (1600x1600x3, float32, 0-1).
"warped_WC.npz" includes document coordinates in the 3D space (1600x1600x3, float32, -inf to inf).
For more details see https://github.com/FelixHertlein/inv3d-generator.
Released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Excluded files are listed in 'restricted-license-files.txt' (located in record with DOI 10.35097/1730, "Inv3D: a high-resolution 3D invoice dataset for template-driven Single-Image Document Unwarping - Metadata"). These are for academic use only.