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Thermal and mechanical analyses on a vacuum chamber in a compact superconducting undulator with HTS tapes

Cha, Hyuk Jin; Glamann, Nicole; Grau, Andreas; Krasch, Bennet ORCID iD icon 1; Saez de Jauregui, David 2; Mueller, Anke-Susanne ORCID iD icon; Assmann, Ralph [Hrsg.]; McIntosh, Peter [Hrsg.]; Fabris, Alessandro [Hrsg.]; Bisoffi, Giovanni [Hrsg.]; Andrian, Ivan [Hrsg.]; Vinicola, Giulia [Hrsg.]
1 Institut für Beschleunigerphysik und Technologie (IBPT), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
2 Institut für Beschleunigerphysik und Technologie (IBPT)


Superconducting (SC) undulators composed of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes, which can be applied to compact light sources such as a table-top free-electron laser, are a part of research and development projects at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In order to minimize the beam heat loads in a cryostat including the compact SC planar undulator, a vacuum chamber (liner) positioned in the undulator gap is considered. In this study, we discuss the preliminary cryostat design based on a simple cooling concept with a cryocooler and report thermal and mechanical simulation results with the liner at cryogenic temperature.

Verlagsausgabe §
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000163667
Veröffentlicht am 02.11.2023
DOI: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPM102
Cover der Publikation
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Beschleunigerphysik und Technologie (IBPT)
Publikationstyp Proceedingsbeitrag
Publikationsdatum 26.09.2023
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator ISBN: 978-3-95450-231-8
ISSN: 2673-5490
KITopen-ID: 1000163667
HGF-Programm 54.11.11 (POF IV, LK 01) Accelerator Operation, Research and Development
Erschienen in 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venedig, 7th-12th May 2023
Veranstaltung 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venedig, Italien, 07.05.2023 – 12.05.2023
Verlag JACoW Publishing
Seiten 3804-3807
Schlagwörter Accelerator Physics, mc7-accelerator-technology-and-sustainability - MC7: Accelerator Technology and Sustainability, mc7-t15-undulators-and-wigglers - MC7.T15: Undulators and Wigglers
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