Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT | Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung Atmosphärische Aerosolforschung (IMKAAF) |
Publikationstyp | Forschungsdaten |
Publikationsdatum | 06.06.2024 |
Erstellungsdatum | 17.07.2021 - 04.10.2023 |
Identifikator | DOI: 10.35097/zjacMoCUyEYFyvBR KITopen-ID: 1000171280 |
HGF-Programm | 12.11.12 (POF IV, LK 01) Atmospheric chemistry processes |
Lizenz | Creative Commons Namensnennung – Nicht kommerziell – Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International |
Externe Relationen | Abstract/Volltext |
Schlagwörter | Secondary organic aerosol and VOC in a forest |
Liesmich | The data in the two Excel files is related to the publication "Sources of organic gases and aerosol particles and their roles in nighttime particle growth at a rural forested site in southwest Germany" by Song et al., ACP, 2024, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-2255. The first Excel file (21Summer KITcn data-1) contains the time series of meteorological data, particle species measured by the AMS, eBC measured by the Aethalometer AE33, semi-volatile OA particle and selected VOC species measured by the CHARON-PTR-MS, and trace gases (NO, NO2, SO2, O3 and NH3). The second Excel file (21Summer KITcn data-2) contains the time series of source factors resolved from the PMF analysis of AMS-measured OA particles, CHARON-measured OA particles and PTR-measured VOCs, respectively. |
Art der Forschungsdaten | Dataset |
Relationen in KITopen |