Abstract (englisch):
A quantum amplifier is a device that amplifies weak signals while adding only the minimal noise permitted by the laws of quantum mechanics [1]. These amplifiers are important for advancing various quantum technologies, including quantum computing, sensing, and metrology, where precise signal readout is critical. Standing-wave parametric amplifiers (JPAs) based on superconducting circuits are popular tools which are commonly used for amplifying weak microwave signals. Such quantum limited devices rely on the non-linearity of Josephson junctions or high kinetic inductance from disordered superconductors to amplify the signal [2]. However, typical standing-wave parametric amplifiers achieve the highest gain when operating near bistability point. Operating near bistability leads to a trade-off between gain and bandwidth. As the gain increases, the bandwidth tends to decrease. Here, we present a class of standing-wave parametric amplifiers known as Bogoliubov amplifiers [3], which using multiple pump tones, can operate far from the instability region, allowing them to overcome the gain-bandwidth limitation. We demonstrate the concept on a Bose-Hubbard dimer [4], implemented by two coupled superconducting Kerr-resonator and show the possibility of achieving Bogoliubov amplifiers in such setups.
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[1] C. M. Caves, Phys. Rev. D, 26, 8 (1982)
[2] P. Winkel et al., Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 024015 (2020)
[3] A. Metelmann et al., arXiv 2208.00024 (2022)
[4] N. Zapata et al., arXiv 2403.10669 (2024)