Corrigendum to “Understanding the role of biodiversity in the climate, food, water, energy, transport and health nexus in Europe” [Sci. Total Environ. 925 (2024) 171692]
Kim, HyeJin ; Lazurko, Anita; Linney, George; Maskell, Lindsay; Díaz-General, Elizabeth 1; Březovská, Romana Jungwirth; Keune, Hans; Laspidou, Chrysi; Malinen, Henna; Oinonen, Soile; Raymond, Joanna 1; Rounsevell, Mark 1; Vaňo, Simeon; Venâncio, Marina Demaria; Viesca-Ramirez, Alejandrina; Wijesekera, Ayesha; Wilson, Katie; Ziliaskopoulos, Konstantinos; Harrison, Paula A. 1 Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung – Atmosphärische Umweltforschung (IMK-IFU), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)