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Exchange of trace gases between soils and the atmosphere in scots pine forest ecosystems of the northeastern German lowlands. 1. Fluxes of N₂O, NO/NO₂ and CH₄ at forest sites with different N-deposition

Butterbach-Bahl, K. 1; Breuer, L. 1; Gasche, R. 1; Willibald, G. 1; Papen, H. 1
1 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZKA)


This study summarizes the results obtained from measurements of the exchange rates of N$_{2}$O–N, NO–N, NO$_{2}$–N and CH$_{4}$ between Scots pine forest soils of the northeastern German lowlands and the atmosphere in the years 1995–1998. In order to further identify the effects of atmospheric N-deposition on the magnitude of N- and C-trace gas fluxes, five Scots pine forest sites with different loads of atmospheric N-input (15–22 kg N ha$^{−1}$ per year) were investigated. The measurements show an increase in NO and N$_{2}$O fluxes at the higher N-affected sites (mean values, NO: 21–39 $\mu$g NO–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$, N$_{2}$O: 16–32 $\mu$g N$_{2}$O–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$) as compared to the sites with moderate atmospheric N-input (mean values, NO: 3–9 $\mu$g NO–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$, N$_{2}$O: 5–10 $\mu$g N$_{2}$O–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$). ... mehr

Abstract (englisch):

This study summarizes the results obtained from measurements of the exchange rates of N$_{2}$O–N, NO–N, NO$_{2}$–N and CH$_{4}$ between Scots pine forest soils of the northeastern German lowlands and the atmosphere in the years 1995–1998. In order to further identify the effects of atmospheric N-deposition on the magnitude of N- and C-trace gas fluxes, five Scots pine forest sites with different loads of atmospheric N-input (15–22 kg N ha$^{−1}$ per year) were investigated. The measurements show an increase in NO and N$_{2}$O fluxes at the higher N-affected sites (mean values, NO: 21–39 $\mu$g NO–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$, N2O: 16–32 $\mu$g N$_{2}$O–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$) as compared to the sites with moderate atmospheric N-input (mean values, NO: 3–9 $\mu$g NO–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$, N$_{2}$O: 5–10 $\mu$g N$_{2}$O–N m$^{−2}$ h$^{−1}$). ... mehr

DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00725-3
Zitationen: 112
Zitationen: 112
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung – Atmosphärische Umweltforschung (IMK-IFU)
Publikationstyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Publikationsjahr 2002
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator ISSN: 0378-1127, 1872-7042
KITopen-ID: 110053359
HGF-Programm 13.01.01 (Vor POF, LK 01)
Erschienen in Forest ecology and management
Verlag Elsevier
Band 167
Heft 1-3
Seiten 123-134
Schlagwörter Nitrogen deposition, Pine forests, N2O flux rate, NO/NO2 flux rate, CH4 flux rate
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