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Exchange of trace gases between soils and the atmosphere in scots pine forest ecosystems of the northeastern German lowlands. 1. Fluxes of N₂O, NO/NO₂ and CH₄ at forest sites with different N-deposition

Butterbach-Bahl, K. 1; Breuer, L. 1; Gasche, R. 1; Willibald, G. 1; Papen, H. 1
1 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZKA)


This study summarizes the results obtained from measurements of the exchange rates of N2O–N, NO–N, NO2–N and CH4 between Scots pine forest soils of the northeastern German lowlands and the atmosphere in the years 1995–1998. In order to further identify the effects of atmospheric N-deposition on the magnitude of N- and C-trace gas fluxes, five Scots pine forest sites with different loads of atmospheric N-input (15–22 kg N ha1 per year) were investigated. The measurements show an increase in NO and N2O fluxes at the higher N-affected sites (mean values, NO: 21–39 μg NO–N m2 h1, N2O: 16–32 μg N2O–N m2 h1) as compared to the sites with moderate atmospheric N-input (mean values, NO: 3–9 μg NO–N m2 h1, N2O: 5–10 μg N2O–N m2 h1). ... mehr

Abstract (englisch):

This study summarizes the results obtained from measurements of the exchange rates of N2O–N, NO–N, NO2–N and CH4 between Scots pine forest soils of the northeastern German lowlands and the atmosphere in the years 1995–1998. In order to further identify the effects of atmospheric N-deposition on the magnitude of N- and C-trace gas fluxes, five Scots pine forest sites with different loads of atmospheric N-input (15–22 kg N ha1 per year) were investigated. The measurements show an increase in NO and N2O fluxes at the higher N-affected sites (mean values, NO: 21–39 μg NO–N m2 h1, N2O: 16–32 μg N2O–N m2 h1) as compared to the sites with moderate atmospheric N-input (mean values, NO: 3–9 μg NO–N m2 h1, N2O: 5–10 μg N2O–N m2 h1). ... mehr

Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung – Atmosphärische Umweltforschung (IMK-IFU)
Publikationstyp Zeitschriftenaufsatz
Publikationsjahr 2002
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator ISSN: 0378-1127, 1872-7042
KITopen-ID: 110053359
HGF-Programm 13.01.01 (Vor POF, LK 01)
Erschienen in Forest ecology and management
Verlag Elsevier
Band 167
Heft 1-3
Seiten 123-134
Schlagwörter Nitrogen deposition, Pine forests, N2O flux rate, NO/NO2 flux rate, CH4 flux rate
Nachgewiesen in Scopus

DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00725-3
Zitationen: 114
Zitationen: 114
Seitenaufrufe: 84
seit 01.08.2018
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