Benchmark data testing of important activation cross sections Kelzenberg, S.; Cierjacks, S.; Oblozinsky, P.; Moeslang, A.; Moellenbeck, J.; Peters, G. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
Investigation of element activation by sequential (x,n) reactions Cierjacks, S.; Hino, Y.; Oblozinsky, P.; Kelzenberg, S. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
The stellar cross section of ²⁰⁹Bi: implications for the s-process Jaag, S.; Kaeppeler, F. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
The stellar (n,γ) cross sections of ¹⁹²Pt - a new constraint for the s-process Tepe, M.; Kaeppeler, F. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
¹⁴⁷Pm - an experimental stellar cross section for a short-lived s-process branching point Gerstenhoefer, T. W.; Kaeppeler, F.; Wisshak, K.; Reffo, G. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
Neutron capture cross sections of ¹²²T, ¹²³T, and ¹²⁴Te at low energies Xia, Y.; Gerstenhoefer, T. W.; Jaag, S.; Kaeppeler, F.; Reffo, G.; Wisshak, K. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
⁸⁷Rb: s-process nucleosynthesis at N = 50 Neuberger, D.; Kaeppeler, F. 1991. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991 NEANDC(E)-322 U Vol. 5(July 1991) INDC(Ger)-36/LN + Special KfK-4953
Stoerfallbeanspruchung innerhalb von Lueftungsanlagen Neuberger, M.; Bletzer, P.; Fonhoefer, M.; Hardy, T.; Kuhn, W.; Ricketts, C. I.; Schmidmeier, K. H. 1991. Sicherheitsorientierte LWR-Forschung. Jahresbericht 1990. KfK-4850 (Juli 91)
Stand der PEF-Forschungsprogramme Horsch, F. 1991. 7. Statuskolloquium des PEF vom 5. bis 7. Maerz 1991 in Karlsruhe. Zusammenfassung der Projektleitung. KfK-PEF 81 (April 91)