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Nuclear data research in the Institut fuer Angewandte Kernphysik, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Beer, H.; Cierjacks, S.; Erbe, D.; Gupta, S. K.; Hage, W.; Hensley, F.; Hettinger, H.; Hinterberger, F.; Kaeppeler, F.; Kari, K.; Kazerouni, M. A.; Kumpf, S.; Leugers, B.; Hong, L. D.; Rossen, P. von; Schmalz, G.; Schouky, I.; Voss, F.; Wisshak, K. 1978. In: NEANDC(E)-192 U Vol.5 (April 78) Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1977 to March 31, 1978
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Investigations on swelling and fission gas behaviour in uranium dioxide Zimmermann, H. 1978. Enlarged Halden Program Group Meeting on Water Reactor Fuel Performance and Applications of Process Computers in Reactor Operation, Loen, Norway, June 4-9, 1978. Karlsruhe: Kernforschungszentrum 1978. 14 S. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 75(1978)
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