New results in the development of high strength sintered steels Thuemmler, F.; Schlieper, G.; Zapf, G. 1979. Stamenkovic, J.; Mitkov, M. [Hrsg.] Contemporary Inorganic Materials 1979, Proc.of the 4th German-Yugoslav Meeting, Arandelovac, Y, October 3-5, 1979. Beograd: Boris Kidric Inst.of Nuclear Sciences 1980
Ten years of ESARDA Gupta, D. 1979. Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management. European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), 1.Symp., Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 April 1979. Proceedings, ESARDA 10
Construction and test of a high power injector of hydrogen cluster ions Becker, E. W.; Falter, H. D.; Hagena, O. F.; Henkes, W.; Klingelhoefer, R.; Moser, H. O.; Obert, W.; Poth, I. 1979. 10.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Padova, Italy, September 4-8, 1978. Proc. Oxford: Pergamon Press 1979
The chemical state of LWR high-power rods under irradiation Kleykamp, H. 1979. Internal Fuel Rod Chemistry, IAEA Spec.Meeting, Erlangen, January 23-25, 1979 Journal of Nuclear Materials, 84(1979) S.109-17 Atomnaga Technikaza Rubezhom, 8(1980) S.33-39
Analysis of Pu-release consequences on the environmental geochemistry Jakubick, A. T. 1979. McCarthy, G.J.[Hrsg.]: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management. Vol.1. Proc.of the Symp.on ’Science Underlying Radioactive Waste Management’, Boston, Mass., November 28 - December 1, 1978. New York[usw.]: Plenum Pr.1979
HDR-experiments for investigation of fluid-structural coupling Schlechtendahl, E. G.; Mueller-Dietsche, W.; Scholl, K. H. 1979. Belytschko, T.[Hrsg.]: Preprints of the 1.Internat.Seminar on Fluid-Structure Interaction in LWR-Systems, Berlin, August 20-21, 1979. Held in Conjunction with the 5.Internat.Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology. Berlin: Bundesanst.f.Materialpruefung 1979. (Seminar Preprints 3)
Method for determining the magnet shape in toroidal arrangements Erb, J.; Maurer, W. 1979. Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. [Hrsg.]: Transactions of the 5.Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 13-17, 1979. Vol.N. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1979.1/6, 1-7
On the mechanical anisotropy in superconducting toroidal coil windings Arendt, F.; Dustmann, C. H. 1979. Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. [Hrsg.]: Transactions of the 5.Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 13-17, 1979. Vol.N. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1979.1/5, 1-2
Structural behaviour of piping systems under accident conditions Issler, L.; Katzenmeier, G. 1979. Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. [Hrsg.]: Transactions of the 5.Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 13-17, 1979. Vol.F. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1979., 1-8
Modelling of transient pre-failure fuel relocation for LMFBR accident analysis Kuczera, B.; Billaux, M. 1979. Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. [Hrsg.]: Transactions of the 5.Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 13-17, 1979. Vol.C. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1979., 1-8
Calculations of the HDR core-barrel response during snapback tests Ludwig, A.; Schumann, U. 1979. Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. [Hrsg.]: Transactions of the 5.Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 13-17, 1979. Vol.B. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1979., 1-6
Coupled fluid-structure analysis of the core barrel behaviour during blow-down Katz, F.; Schlechtendahl, E. G. 1979. Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. [Hrsg.]: Transactions of the 5.Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 13-17, 1979. Vol.B. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1979., 1-8
On the stability of fluid-structure computations Schumann, U. 1979. Belytschko, T.[Hrsg.]: Preprints of the 1.Internat.Seminar on Fluid-Structure Interaction in LWR-Systems, Berlin, August 20-21, 1979. Held in Conjunction with the 5.Internat.Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology. Berlin: Bundesanst.f.Materialpruefung 1979. (Seminar Preprints 3)
Boundary integral methods for BWR analysis discussion of the approximation aspects Krieg, R. 1979. Belytschko, T.[Hrsg.]: Preprints of the 1.Internat.Seminar on Fluid-Structure Interaction in LWR Systems, Berlin, August 20-21, 1979. Held in Conjunction with the 5.Internat.Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology. Berlin: Bundesanst.f.Materialpruefung 1979. (Seminar Preprints 3)
Measurements of superconducting niobium cavities at 700 MHz Yoshida, K.; Yoshioka, M.; Halbritter, J. 1979. Particle Accelerator Conf., San Francisco, Calif., March 12-14, 1979 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.NS-26 (1979) No 3
Startup measurements on the CABRI reactor Kussmaul, G.; Bensoussan, P.; Dadillon, J.; Golinelli, C.; Tonolli, J. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.V
Fuel-coolant interaction-phenomena under prompt burst conditions Jacobs, H.; Young, M. F.; Reil, K. O. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.III
Experimental investigations of heat transfer in pools Fieg, G.; Werle, H. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.I
In-pile experiments ’Mol 7C’ related to pin to pin failure propagation Kramer, W.; Schleisiek, K.; Schmidt, L.; Vanmassenhove, G.; Verwimp, A. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.I
Survey of local boiling investigations in sodium at ECN-Petten Brinkmann, K. J.; Vries, J. B. de; Dorr, B. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.IV
Analysis of SANDIA in-pile EOS experiments Breitung, W.; Gorham-Bergeron, E.; Murata, K. K. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.II
First results of the CABRI neutron hodoscope Boehnel, K.; Bluhm, H. 1979. Fast Reactor Safety Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting. Seattle, Wash., August 19-23, 1979. La Grange Park,Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1979. Vol.V
Personnel portal monitors in development and in use Jourdan, G.; Moennich, E.; Scheuerpflug, W.; Sellinschegg, D. 1979. Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management. European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), 1.Symp., Brussels, Belgium, April 25-27, 1979. Proceedings, ESARDA 10
Recent developments in low- and intermediate-level waste fixation by cement Witte, H. O.; Koester, R. 1979. Chikalla, T.D.; Mendel, J.E. [Hrsg.] Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management. Proc.of an Internat.Symp.held in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 30 - May 2, 1979. Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Technical Information Center 1979
Design and validation of safety-related software Voges, U. 1979. Meyer, H. [Hrsg.] Real-Time Data Handling and Process Control, 1st European Symp., Berlin, October 23-25, 1979. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ.Co.1980
Novel primary solutes for liquid scintillation counting Guesten, H.; Seitz, W. 1979. Liquid Scintillation Counting: Recent Applications and Development, Internat.Conf., San Francisco, Calif., August 21-24, 1979. Vol.1: Physical Aspects. New York, N.Y.: Academic Pr.1980
Anwendung von Aktivtonerde zur Wasserreinigung Eberle, S. H.; Donnert, D. 1979. Erfahrungen mit der weitergehenden Abwasserbehandlung durch Faellungsreinigung. 9.Abwassertechnisches Seminar, Muenchen, 8.-9.Maerz 1979. Muenchen: Technische Univ.1980. (Berichte aus Wasserguetewirtschaft und Gesundheitsingenieurwesen. Nr 25)
Abtrennung und Rueckgewinnung von Phosphat aus biologisch gereinigtem Abwasser mittels Aktivtonerde Eberle, S. H.; Donnert, D.; Sapandowski, H. P. 1979. Boehnke, B. [Hrsg.] Entwicklung und Ziele der Abwasserbehandlung aus der Sicht des Gewaesserschutzes. 12.Essener Tagung vom 28.3.-30.3.1979. Aachen: Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 1980. Gewaesserschutz, Wasser, Abwasser. 42
Reinigungssysteme - fuer organische und waessrige Prozessstroeme in Anlagen nach dem PUREX-Verfahren Becker, R.; Haug, H. O.; Schoen, J. 1979. 2.Seminar ueber Chemie der Nuklearen Entsorgung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker und des Vereins Oesterreichischer Chemiker, Kaprun, 19.-23.Maerz 1979 Baumgaertner, F. [Hrsg.] Chemie der nuklearen Entsorgung. Teil 3. Muenchen: Thiemig 1980. (Thiemig-Taschenbuecher. Bd. 91)
Safety aspects for LHe cryostats and LHe transport containers Lehmann, W.; Zahn, G. 1979. 7.Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf., ICEC 7, London, July 4-7, 1978. Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conferences, Vol.7. Guildford: IPC Science a.Technology Pr.1978
Cryogenic system for the Karlsruhe Superconducting Proton-Linac Herz, W.; Lehmann, W. 1979. 7.Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf., ICEC 7, London, July 4-7, 1978. Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conferences, Vol.7. Guildford: IPC Science a.Technology Pr.1978
The Karlsruhe proton microbeam system Heck, D. 1979. 19.Tagung fuer Elektronenmikroskopie und 12.Kolloquium d.Arbeitskreises f. Elektronenmikroskopische Direktabbildung und Analyse von Oberflaechen, Tuebingen, September 9-14, 1979 Beitraege zur Elektronenmikroskopischen Direktabbildung von Oberflaechen, 12/1(1979)