Nuclear energy in food processing Diehl, J. F. 1983. McNaughton, A. [Hrsg.] Energy Conservation in Food Processing Industries: Report of a Seminar, Ottawa, CDN, May 26, 1982 IDRC-MR70e(1982)
Gesundheitliche Aspekte der Verarbeitung der Rohstoffe Diehl, J. F. 1983. Wie sicher sind unsere Lebensmittel(Fragezeichen) - Wissenschaftler antworten : Wissenschaftl.Symp., Bonn, 19.-20. April 1983 Hamburg: Behr, 1983. - (Schriftenreihe des Bundes fuer Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde; H. 102)
Nuclear energy in food processing Diehl, J. F. 1983. McNaughton, A. [Hrsg.] Energy Conservation in Food Processing Industries: Report of a Seminar, Ottawa, CDN, May 26, 1982 IDRC-MR70e(1982)
The feldspar structure family Pentinghaus, H. 1983. 3rd NATO Advanced Study Institute on Feldspars, Feldspathoids and their Parageneses, Rennes, F, June 26 - July 6, 1983
ATWS parameter studies for a tight-lattice PWR Amm, H.; Frei, G.; Dalle Donne, M.; Kallfelz, J. M.; Kuesters, H. 1983. Topical Meeting on Anticipated and Abnormal Plant Transients in Light Water Reactors, Jackson, Wyo., September 26-29, 1983
Doppler acoustic sounding performance test Thomas, P.; Holleuffer-Kypke, R. von; Huebschmann, W. 1983. 2nd Internat.Symp.on Acoustic Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Oceans, Roma, I, August 29 - September 1, 1983