Concept of an advanced FBR-Purex-process Ebert, K.; Henrich, E.; Schmieder, H. 1987. Internat.Conf.on Fast Breeder Reactor Systems: Experience Gained and Path to Economical Power Generation, Richland, Wash., September 13-17, 1987
Medizinische Notfallschutzplanung bei kerntechnischen Unfaellen Ohlenschlaeger, L. 1987. Fortbildungsseminar fuer Aerzte/Sozialministerium des Landes Schleswig-Holstein: Notfallschutz in der Umgebung kerntechnischer Anlagen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Notfallstation, Kiel, 23.Mai 1987
Investigation of giant resonances in ⁶Li-scattering and (⁶Li,⁶He)reactions Eyrich, W.; Hofmann, A.; Lehmann, A.; Moosburger, M.; Muehldorfer, B.; Schloesser, H.; Wirth, H.; Gils, H. J.; Rebel, H.; Zagromski, S. 1987. Internat.Symp.on Collective Phenomena in Nuclear and Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in Nuclei, Bad Honnef, May 4-7, 1987
Das raetselhafte Neutrino Rebel, H. 1987. Vortr.: Lehrgang ueber das Experiment im Physikunterricht, Staatl.Akademie fuer Lehrerfortbildung, Donaueschingen, 27.-30.April 1987
Electron cooling and related experiments Poth, H. 1987. Vortr.: Inst.for Nuclear Research, Tokyo, J, 27.April 1987 Vortr.: Research Inst.for Nuclear Study, Osaka, J, 29.April 1987
Industrial applications of the Karlsruhe compact cyclotron Bechtold, V.; Fehsenfeld, P.; Hanser, A.; Moellenbeck, J.; Schweickert, H.; Thouw, T. 1987. Vortr.: EURATOM, Ispra, I, 15.April 1987 24th European Cyclotron Progress Meeting, Nice, F, May 11-12, 1987
Superconductivity in La-Ba(Sr)-Cu-O and in Y-Ba-Cu-O Geerk, J.; Politis, C.; Krauss, W.; Dietrich, M.; Obst, B.; Smithey, R.; Linker, G.; Meyer, O.; Strehlau, B.; Ratzel, F.; Xiong, G. C.; Li, H. C. 1987. 7th General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Pisa, I, April 7-10, 1987 Vortr.: BBC-Kolloquium, BBC, Heidelberg, 14.Mai 1987
On damage and nucleation in sputtering Hedbabny, H. J.; Darlinski, A.; Halbritter, J. 1987. European Conf.on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Fellbach, October 19-23, 1987 Book of Abstracts
How lasers look at nuclei Rebel, H. 1987. Vortr.: Kolloquium, SAHA Inst.of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, IND, 16.Februar 1987
Radionuclides in Fast Breeder Reactors Feuerstein, H.; Sakai, T. 1987. Internat.Conf.on Fast Breeder Reactor Systems: Experience Gained and Path to Economical Power Generation, Richland, Wash., September 13-17, 1987
A 15 GW-pinch as an ion and X-ray source Bauer, W.; Brandelik, A.; Citron, A.; Ehrler, H.; Mittag, K.; Rogner, A.; Schimassek, W.; Schultheiss, C. 1987. 6th IEEE Pulsed Power Conf., Arlington, Va., June 29 - July 1, 1987
High power pseudo spark as an ion and X-ray source Bauer, W.; Citron, A.; Ehrler, H.; Mittag, K.; Rogner, A.; Schimassek, W.; Schultheiss, C. 1987. 18th Internat.Conf.on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Swansea, GB, July 13-17, 1987
Superconductivity in La₂₋ₓBa(Sr)ₓCuO₄ Politis, C.; Dietrich, M.; Geerk, J.; Green, S. M.; Kuepfer, H.; Linker, G.; Luo, H. L.; Meyer, O.; Obst, B.; Schauer, W.; Wuehl, H. 1987. General Meeting of the American Physical Society, New York, N.Y., March 16-20, 1987