Off-gas cleaning devices for containment venting system Dillmann, H. G.; Pasler, H.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1989. First, M.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 20th DOE/NCR Nuclear Air-Cleaning Conf., Boston, Mass., August 22-25, 1988 NUREG/CP-0098 CONF-880822
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Enhancement of the kidney Cd burden by SH-containing chelating agents Rau, W.; Planas-Bohne, F. 1989. 1st Internat.Meeting on Molecular Mechanisms of Metal Toxicity and Carcinogenicity, Collegio Universitario, Urbino, I, September 19-22, 1988 Biological Trace Element Research, 21(1989)
Neutron sources: present practice and future potential Cierjacks, S.; Smith, A. B. 1989. Igasari, S. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Mito, J, May 30 - June 3, 1988 Tokyo : JAERI, 1988
Cu d-d orbital transitions in high-Tsub(c) superconductors Geserich, H. P.; Scheiber, G.; Geerk, J.; Li, H. C.; Weber, W.; Romberg, H.; Nuecker, N.; Fink, J.; Gegenheimer, B. 1989. Weber, H.W. [Hrsg.] High-Tsub(c) Superconductors : Proc.of an Internat.Discussion Meeting, Mauterndorf, A, February 7-11, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Plenum Pr. - 1988
Entwicklungen des Kernforschungszentrums Karlsruhe fuer die WAW Baumgaertel, G. 1989. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik ’88, Travemuende, 17.-19.Mai 1988 - Fachsitzung ’Entwicklung fuer die Wiederaufarbeitungsanlag Wackersdorf und aktueller Planungsstand’ Bonn : INFORUM GmbH, 1988. -
Incorporation of ²⁴¹Am: effectiveness of late DTPA chelation therapy Roedler, H. D.; Nosske, D.; Ohlenschlaeger, L.; Schieferdecker, H.; Doerfel, H.; Renz, K. 1989. Proc.of the EC Workshop ’Biological Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Actinides’, Versailles, F, May 30 - June 2, 1988 Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 26(1989)
Structural relaxation in metallic glass Suck, J. B. 1989. Richter, D. [Hrsg.] Dynamics of Disordered Materials : Proc.of the ILL Workshop, Grenoble, F, September 26-28, 1988 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer 1989 (Springer Proceedings in Physics; 37)
Liquid surfaces and the effect of premelting Blanckenhagen, P. von; Schommers, W. 1989. Davidovic, M. [Hrsg.] Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquids : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Dubrovnik, YU, June 27 - July 2, 1988 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer 1989 (Springer Proceedings in Physics; 40)
Uptake of cadmium into cells in culture Planas-Bohne, F.; Klug, S. 1989. 3rd Hans Wolfgang Nuernberg Memorial Workshop, Follonica, I, April 11-14, 1988 Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 18(1989)
Parameters influencing the effects of quartz on alveolar macrophages Drosselmeyer, E.; Hofheinz, V.; Paetzold, S.; Polzer, G.; Schimmelpfeng, J.; Seidel, A. 1989. Proc.of the European Aerosol Conf., Lund, S, August 30 - September 2, 1988 Journal of Aerosol Science, 19(1988)
Velocity meter for local measurement in liquid metals Casal, V.; Arnold, G.; Kirchner, R.; Kussmaul, H.; Miller, H.; Hame, W. 1989. Shah, R.K. [Hrsg.] Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics : Proc.of the 1st World Conf., Dubrovnik, YU, September 4-9, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Elsevier, 1989 4th Conf.on Liquid Metal Engineering and Technology, Avignon, F, October 17-21, 1988
Investigations of inherent decay heat removal performances in LMFBRs Hoffmann, H.; Marten, K.; Weinberg, D.; Ieda, Y.; Frey, H. H. 1989. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting on the Safety of Next Generation Power Reactors, Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 1988 La Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society 1988
Analysis of tritium laboratory accountancy data Avenhaus, R.; Spannagel, G. 1989. Proc.of the 3rd Topical Meeting on Tritium Technology in Fission, Fusion and Isotopic Applications, Toronto, CDN, May 1-6, 1988 Fusion Technology, 14(1988)
A framework of a diagnostic expert system for real time application Eggert, H.; Scherer, K. P.; Kelbassa, H. W.; Stiller, P.; Duepmeier, C. 1989. Zalewski, J. [Hrsg.] Hardware and Software for Real-Time Process Control : Proc.of the IFIP/IFAC Working Conf., Warszawa, PL, May 30 - June 1, 1988 Amsterdam : North Holland, 1989
Plasma formation in a pseudospark discharge Choi, P.; Chuaqui, H.; Lunney, J.; Reichle, R.; Davies, A. J.; Mittag, K. 1989. 13th Internat.Symp.on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (13th ISDEIV), Paris, F, June 27-30, 1988 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 17(1989)
Tritium release from lithium silicate Breitung, W.; Briec, M.; Werle, H. 1989. Proc.of the 1st Internat.Symp.on Fusion Nuclear Technology, Tokyo, J, April 10-19, 1988 Part A Fusion Engineering and Design, 8(1989)
Structure of bis(tetraethylammonium) hexanitratouranium(IV) Rebizant, J.; Apostolidis, C.; Spirlet, M. R.; Andreetti, G. D.; Kanellakopulos, B. 1989. 18emes Journees des Actinides, Paris, F, 20-22 Mars, 1988 Acta Crystallographica C, 44(1988)
Mechanisms of High-Tsub(c) superconductivity Weber, W. 1989. Weber, H.W. [Hrsg.] High-Tsub(c) Superconductors : Proc.of an Internat.Discussion Meeting, Mauterndorf, A, February 7-11, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Plenum Pr. - 1988
Acceleration of cluster ions to energies up to 0.1 MeV/u Moser, H. O.; Schempp, A. 1989. Proc.of the 2nd Internat.Workshop on MeV and keV Ions and Cluster Interactions with Surfaces and Materials, Orsay, F, September 5-8, 1988 Journal de Physique, Colloque C2, no.2, /212
Thorotrast induziertes cholangiolaeres Carcinom mit 45 Jahren Latenz - Fallbericht - Diagnostik Ochs, A.; Heck, D.; Kraft, A.; Strobel, S.; Hoy, F.; Herbst, E. W.; Pausch, J.; Kroepelin, T.; Gerok, W. 1989. 43.Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Verdauungs- und Stoffwechsel-Krankheiten, Heidelberg, 21.-24. September 1988 95.Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Innere Medizin, Wiesbaden, 2.-6.April 1989 Klinische Wochenschrift, 67(1989) Suppl. XVI
The metabolism of plutonium and related elements Taylor, D. M. 1989. Proc.of the EG Workshop ’Biological Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Actinides’, Versailles, F, May 30 - June 2, 1988 Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 26(1989)
Towards more automation for remote maintenance Benner, J.; Fischer, C.; Leinemann, K.; Stratmanns, E.; Till, W. 1989. Robotics and Remote Maintenance Concepts for Fusion Machines : Proc.of a Technical Committee Meeting, Karlsruhe, February 22-24, 1988 IAEA-TECDOC-495(1989)
Arcing experiments for magnet safety investigations Juengst, K. P.; Kronhardt, H.; Oehmann, M.; Herring, J. S. 1989. Van Ingen, A.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Symp.on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, NL, September 19-23, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland [u.a.], 1989 Vol. 2
Optimisation and status of chelation therapy Volf, V. 1989. Proc.of the EG Workshop ’Biological Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Actinides’, Versailles, F, May 30 - June 2, 1988 Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 26(1989)
Options for generating greater than 5-eV atmospheric species Moser, H. O.; Schempp, A. 1989. Muntz, E.P. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Space Related Studies : Proc.of the 16th Internat.Symp., Pasadena, Calif., July 10-16, 1988 Washington, D.C. : American Inst.of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1989 (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics ; Vol.116)
Velocity distribution function in nozzle beams Hagena, O. F. 1989. Muntz, E.P. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Physical Phenomena : Proc.of the 16th Internat.Symp., Pasadena, Calif., July 10-16, 1988 Washington, D.C. : American Inst.of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1989 (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics ; Vol.117)
Experimental investigations of aerodynamic separation of isotopes and gases in a separation nozzle cascade Bley, P.; Hein, H.; Campos, J. L.; Consiglio, R. V.; Coelho, J. S. 1989. Muntz, E.P. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Physical Phenomena : Proc.of the 16th Internat.Symp., Pasadena, Calif., July 10-16, 1988 Washington, D.C. : American Inst.of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1989 (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics ; Vol.117)
Remote sensing of tropospheric trace gases from space Fischer, H.; Wetzel, G.; Oelhaf, H. 1989. Lenoble [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Meeting of the Radiation Commission of the Internat.Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Lille, F, August 18-25, 1988 Hampton, Va. : Deepak Publ., 1989
The Karlsruhe 4π BaF₂ detector Wisshak, K.; Kaeppeler, F.; Voss, F.; Guber, K. 1989. Fruehjahrstagung DPG, Kern- und Mittelenergiephysik, Physikausstellung, Berlin, 21.-25.Maerz, 1988 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, Bd.23 (1988) H-8.7 Proc.of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symp., Orlando, Fla., November 9-11, 1988 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 36(1989)
The hot cell of the Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Enderlein, H. 1989. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 55(1987) S.644 Proc.of the 35th Conf.on Remote Systems Technology, Los Angeles, Calif., November 15-19, 1987 La Grange Park, Ill.: American Nuclear Society, 1988 S.70-75
Lattice dynamics of high-Tsub(c) superconductors Pintschovius, L.; Bassat, J. M.; Odier, P.; Gervais, F.; Hennion, B.; Reichardt, W. 1989. Journees Oxydes-Supraconducteurs, Orleans, F, 23 Octobre 1987 Revue Internationale des Hautes Temperatures et des Refractaires, 25(1989)
Techniques for synthesizing lithium silicates and lithium aluminates Vollath, D.; Wedemeyer, H. 1989. Fabrication and Properties of Lithium Ceramics : Proc.of the Symp.during the 89th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Ceramic Society, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 26-30, 1987 Columbus, Ohio : American Ceramic Society, 1989. - (Advances in Ceramics; vol. 25)
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Modeling and simulation of tritium handling systems Gabowitsch, E.; Spannagel, G. 1989. Internat.Conf.of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) on Modelling and Simulation, Karlsruhe, July 20-22, 1987 Kerntechnik, 53(1989)
Production techniques of fission molybdenum-99 Sameh, A. A.; Ache, H. J. 1989. Radiochimica Acta, 41(1987) S.65-72 Fission Molybdenum for Medical Use : Proc.of a Technical Committee Meeting, Karlsruhe, October 13-16, 1987 IAEA-TECDOC-515 (1989) S.47-64
Resist technology for deep-etch synchrotron radiation lithography Mohr, J.; Ehrfeld, W.; Muenchmeyer, D.; Stutz, A. 1989. First Meeting of the European Polymer Federation, European Symp.on Polymeric Materials, Lyon, F, September 14-18, 1987 Paper ED06 Die Makromolekulare Chemie/Macromolecular Symposium Series, 24(1989)