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Separation of solid and liquid particles from gases Schmidt, E. 1995. In: Ullmann’s encyclopedia of industrial chemistry. Vol. B7: Environmental protection and industrial safety I. Ed.: E. Weise. 5. ed. Weinheim 1995. Sect. 7.1
Optimisation of centrifugal decanters Stadager, C.; Stahl, W.; Steiger, W.; Beyer, H.-J. 1995. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Filtration and Separation, Salamanca/Spain 1995. S. 136-165
A formal framework for high level synthesis Kropf, T.; Schneider, K.; Kumar, R. 1995. In: Theorem provers in circuit design. TPCD ’94. Ed.: R. Kumar. Berlin 1995. S. 223-238. (Lecture notes in computer science. 901.)
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