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Work Process Knowledge and the School to Work Transition Fischer, M.; Stuber, F. 1998. Shop floor control - a systems perspective: from deterministic models towards agile operations management. Ed.: E. Scherer, 367–380, Springer-Verlag
Work Process Knowledge in Technical Training Fischer, M.; Stuber, F. 1998. Changing the ways we work: shaping the ICT-solutions for the next century. Proceedings of the Conference on Integration in Manufacturing, Göteborg, Sweden, 6 - 8 October 1998. Ed.: N. Martensson, 73–81, IOS Press
Ist das Leben überhaupt ein wissenschaftlicher Gegenstand? Gutmann, M.; Hertler, C.; Weingarten, M. 1998. Was wissen Biologen schon vom Leben? - die biologische Wissenschaft nach der molekular-genetischen Revolution. Hrsg.: A. Dally, 111–128, Evang. Akad
Information, Gene und Metaphern Gutmann, M. 1998. Was wissen Biologen schon vom Leben? - die biologische Wissenschaft nach der molekular-genetischen Revolution. Hrsg.: A. Dally, 141–156, Evang. Akad. Loccum
Konsequenzen der Entgrenzung des Politischen Pfadenhauer, M.; Hitzler, R. 1998. Die Veröffentlichung des Privaten - die Privatisierung des Öffentlichen. Hrsg.: K. Imhof, 165–179, Westdt. Verlag
Building Geo-Scientific Applications on top of GeoToolKit: a Case Study of Data Integration Balovnev, O.; Breunig, M.; Cremers, A. B.; Pant, M. 1998. Scientific and statistical database management. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, Los Alamitos, CA, Capri, 1-3 July, 1998. Ed.: M. Rafanelli, 260–269, IEEE Computer Society
Modelling of High Pressure Discharge Lamps including Electrodes Neiger, M.; Flesch, P. 1998. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference & 4th Intl. Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Maui, Hawaii, October 19-22, 1998, OWP2.01, American Physical Society (APS)
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Versioning System Models through Description Logic Zeller, A. 1998. System configuration management - ECOOP’98 SCM-8 Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, July 20 - 21, 1998. Proceedings. Ed.: B. Magnusson, 127–132, Springer-Verlag
Reengineering Class Hierarchies Using Concept Analysis Snelting, G.; Tip, F. 1998. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States, November 01 - 05, 1998, 99–110, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
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