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Mediatoren in innerbetrieblichen Konfliktsituationen Mitusch, K.; Strausz, R. 2001. Entlohnung, Arbeitsorganisation und personalpolitische Regulierung. Beiträge zum 4. Köln-Bonner Kolloquium zur Personalökonomie. Hrsg.: U. Backes-Gellner, 117–145, Rainer Hampp Verlag
A Safe Robot System for Craniofacial Surgery Engel, D.; Raczkowsky, J.; Wörn, H. 2001. Robotics and Automation, 2001. Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on, 2020–2024, IEEE Computer Society
Gesundheit fällt nicht vom Himmel Woll, A.; Bös, K. 2001. Kongressbericht: Zweite Lehrtagung Gesundheitssport, Hildesheim, 23.-25. März 2001. Hrsg.: H. H. Langer, 1–7, Afra-Verl
Antizipation im Sportspiel Volleyball Wichmann, E.; Seidel, I. 2001. Vision Volleyball 2000: 26. Internationales Hochschul-Symposium des Deutschen Volleyball-Verbandes 2000. Hrsg.: P. Kuhn, 43–54, Czwalina
The effect of binding position on kinetic variables in alpine skiing Schwameder, H.; Nigg, B. M.; Tscharner, V. von; Stefanyshyn, D. 2001. Science and skiing II: Tagungsband, 2nd International Congress on Skiing and Science, Salzburg, January 9-15, 2000. Ed.: E. Müller, 43–54, Kovac
Individuality and generality in ski turn techniques Schöllhorn, W.; Müller, E.; Lindinger, S.; Raschner, C.; Schwameder, H.; Benko, U. 2001. Science and skiing II: Tagungsband, 2nd International Congress on Skiing and Science, Salzburg, January 9-15, 2000. Ed.: E. Müller, 69–83, Kovac
Cryptanalysis of Two Sparse Polynomial Based Public Key Cryptosystems Bao, F.; Deng, R. H.; Geiselmann, W.; Schnorr, C.; Steinwandt, R.; Wu, H. 2001. Public Key Cryptography 4th InternationalWorkshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptosystems, PKC 2001 Cheju Island, Korea, February 13-15, 2001. Ed.: K. Kim Proceedings, 153–164, Springer-Verlag
On the high-temperature creep and relaxation behavior of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses Daniel, B. S. S.; Heilmaier, M.; Reger-Leonhard, A.; Eckert, J.; Schultz, L. 2001. Supercooled liquid, bulk glassy, and nanocrystalline states of alloys: Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, November 27-30, 2000. Ed.: A. Inoue, L10.7.1–6, Materials Research Society
Fatigue life and fatigue crack growth of the ODS nickel-base superalloy PM 1000 Schaper, M.; Böhm, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Klauss, H.-J.; Nganbe, M. 2001. Proceedings of the 15th International Plansee Seminar 2001 "Powder metallurgical high performance materials", Reutte, May 2001. Ed.: G. Kneringer, 94–108, Plansee Holding AG
Predicting the Mechanical Response of Cu-Based Micro- and Macrocomposites Heilmaier, M.; Grünberger, W.; Gibeling, J. C.; Schultz, L. 2001. Modelling the performance of engineering structural materials II: Proceedings of a Symposium of the TMS fall meeting 2001, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 4-8, 2001. Ed.: D. R. Lesuer, 31–42, TMS
Mechanical alloying of ODS-Copper Kudashov, D.; Heilmaier, M.; Martin, U.; Oettel, H. 2001. Proceedings of PM 2001 Congress & Exhibition, Acropolis Convention Centre, Nice, France, October 22-24, 2001; 1 CD-Rom, 20–25, European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
Validation of a vulnerability map (EPIK) with tracer tests Goldscheider, N.; Hötzl, H.; Fries, W.; Jordan. P. 2001. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Limestone Hydrology and Fissured Media, Besançon, France, 20-22 Septembre 2001. Ed.: J. Mudry, 167–170, Université de Franche-Comté