Lessons learnt und Schritte in die Zukunft Kristof, K. 2008. Zukunftsmärkte für das Bauen mit Holz: [Holzwende 2020plus ; nachhaltige Zukunftsmärkte für Bauen mit Holz]. Mit Beitr. von S. Behrendt ... Kora Kristof ..., 149–168, DRW-Verl
Methoden zur Erschließung nachhaltiger Zukunftsmärkte Fichter, K.; Bierter, W.; Kristof, K.; Geibler, J. von 2008. Zukunftsmärkte für das Bauen mit Holz: [Holzwende 2020plus ; nachhaltige Zukunftsmärkte für Bauen mit Holz]. Hrsg.: Kora Kristof, 127–147, DRW-Verl
Is Exercise a Determinant of Health? Or Vice Versa? Jekauc, D.; Woll, A.; Tittlbach, S.; Bös, K. 2008. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Sportmotorik. Abstractband zur 11. Tagung der dvs-Sektion Sportmotorik. Hrsg.: S. Baumgärtner, 37
Geometry Optimization of Micro Milling Tools Fleischer, J.; Deuchert, M.; Kühlewein, C.; Ruhs, C. 2008. S. Dimov & W. Menz (Eds.), 4M 2008 : Fourth International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture ; 9th - 11th September 2008, Cardiff, UK. Ed. by Stefan Dimov and Wolfgang Menz, 275–278, Whittles
Modeling the Heat Flux as an Input Parameter to Simulate Cutting Processes Schulze, V.; Pabst, R.; Michna, J. 2008. R. W. I. Jarred C. Heigel Schawn P. Moylan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th CIRP International Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations Eds.: Jarred C. Heigel, Robert W. Ivester, Schawn P. Moylan, 155–162
Simulation of Parallel Kinematics Based on Feedback Control Systems Munzinger, C.; Kipfmüller, M.; Schmidt-Ewig, J. P. 2008. Conference Proceedings: CIRP ICME 08 - 6th CIRP International Conference on INTELLIGENT COMPUTATION IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Innovative and Cognitive Production Technology and Systems. Ed.: Roberto Teti, University of Naples, Dept. of Materials and Production Engineering; CIRP, the International Academy for Production Engineering
The automatic feeding of micro parts with flexible oscillating conveyors Fleischer, J.; Munzinger, C.; Dieckmann, A.-M.; Prause, P.-J.; Bühner, K.; Tröndle, M. 2008. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2008, Volume 2, 10th Anniversary International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN, Zurich18 - 22 May 2008, 81–85, Euspen
Automated Feeding of Micro Parts into a Measuring Machine Fleischer, J.; Tröndle, M.; Ruprecht, E.; Dieckmann, A.-M. 2008. Proceedings of the 10th international conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology : May 31st - June 4th 2010, Delft, Netherlands. Ed.: H. Spaan ..., 98–101, Yokohama National University
Adapting Machining Performance to Load and Wear Levels Fleischer, J.; Schopp, M.; Broos, A.; Wieser, J. 2008. CIRP (Ed.), LCE 2008: 15th CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering: Conference Proceedings, 372–377, University of New South Wales
Lebenszyklusoptimierte Maschinen durch grenzlastnahen Einsatz von Maschinenelementen Fleischer, J.; Munzinger, C.; Schopp, M.; Hennrich, H.; Broos, A.; Wieser, J. 2008. VDI (Ed.), Automation 2008 : Lösungen für die Zukunft ; Tagung Baden-Baden, 3. und 4. Juni 2008 ; [mit CD-ROM] / Der Automatisierungskongress in Deutschland. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Meß- und Automatisierungstechnik. [Tagungsleiter Kurt D. Bettenhausen ...], 101–104, VDI Verlag
Landtransport Popplow, M. 2008. Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit. Bd.: 7, 574–579, J.B. Metzler
Mechanik, praktische Popplow, M. 2008. Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit. Bd. 8. Hrsg.: F. Jaeger, 195–200, J.B. Metzler
An objective climatology of Tropical Plumes Hohberger, E.; Fröhlich, L.; Knippertz, P. 2008. 5th European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2008), Vienna, Austria, April 13–18, 2008
Dust mobilization and transport in the northern Sahara during SAMUM 2006 Knippertz, P.; Ansmann, A.; Althausen, D.; Müller, D.; Tesche, M.; Bierwirth, E.; Dinter, T.; Müller, T.; Hoyningen-Huene, W. von; Schepanski, K.; Wendisch, M.; Heinold, B.; Kandler, K.; Petzold, A.; Schütz, L.; Tegen, I. 2008. 5th European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2008), Vienna, Austria, April 13–18, 2008
The climate perspective of tropical and northern Africa Paeth, H.; Fink, A.; Christoph, M.; Born, K.; Krüger, A.; Diederich, M.; Brücher, T.; Heuer, K. O.; Piecha, C.; Ermert, V.; Knippertz, P.; Schulz, O.; Speth, P.; Kerschgens, M.; Simmer, C. 2008. Global Change and Water Resources in West Africa – The German-African GLOWA Projects (2008), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, August 25–28, 2008
Dust mobilization and transport in the northern Sahara during SAMUM 2006 Knippertz, P.; Ansmann, A.; Althausen, D.; Müller, D.; Tesche, M.; Bierwirth, E.; Dinter, T.; Müller, T.; Hoyningen-Huene, W. von; Schepanski, K.; Wendisch, M.; Heinold, B.; Kandler, K.; Petzold, A.; Schütz, L.; Tegen, I. 2008. 3rd International Workshop on Mineral Dust (2008), Leipzig, Germany, September 15–17, 2008
Dust and hurricanes linkages Knippertz, P. 2008. 3rd International Workshop on Mineral Dust (2008), Leipzig, Germany, September 15–17, 2008
Conception of a Methodology for a Comprehensive Procurement Market Selection for Low-Cost Country Sourcing Lanza, G.; Weiler, S. 2008. Y. Shi, J. Srai & M. Gregory (Eds.), Global value chains - capturing value in international manufacturing and supply networks : the 13th Annual International Manufacturing Symposium , 25th - 26th September 2008, Cambridge ; symposium proceedings (2008). Hrsg.: Shi, Yongjiang; Srai, Jag; Gregory, Mike, 1–23, University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing
Discriminative Word Alignment via Alignment Matrix Modeling Niehues, J.; Vogel, S. 2008. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Ed. C. Callison-Burch, 18–25, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Simultaneous German-English lecture translation Kolss, M.; Wölfel, M.; Kraft, F.; Niehues, J.; Paulik, M.; Waibel, A. 2008. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2008), 174–181