A new concept for agile production of battery cells Storz, T.; Fleischer, J. 2019. AABC (Ed.), Battery Engineering Symposium 2019 : held at AABC Europe 2019 : Strasbourg, France, 27th-31st January 2019, 184–194, Curran
Auto-configuration of a digital twin for machine tools by intelligent crawling Gönnheimer, P.; Hillenbrand, J.; Betz-Mors, T.; Bischof, P.; Mohr, L.; Fleischer, J. 2019. J. P. Wulfsberg, W. Hintze & B.-A. Behrens (Eds.), Production at the leading edge of technology: proceedings of the 10th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), Dresden, 23-24 September 2020. Hrsg.: Jens P. Wulfsberg,, Wolfgang Hintze, Bernd-Arno Behrens, 543–552, Springer
Gear skiving of external gears with internally geared tools Klose, J.; Zanger, F.; Schulze, V. 2019. International Conference on Gears 2019. 3rd International Conference on High Performance Plastic Gears 2019. 3rd International Conference on Gear Production 2019 : Garching/Munich, Germany September 18 – 20, 2019. Hrsg.: VDI Wissensforum GmbH, 1579–1590, VDI Verlag
Analyses of technical and true overlap in hammer peening operations Segebade, E.; Hilligardt, A.; Volker, S. 2019. D. Trauth & R. Mannens (Eds.), Symposium Mechanical Surface Treatment 2019 : 8th Workshop Machine Hammer Peening : 22nd and23rd October 2019, Karlsruhe. Hrsg.: Volker Schulze, 76–84, wbk Institut für Produktionstechnik
Camera Based Ball Screw Spindle Defect Classification System Schlagenhauf, T.; Feuring, C.-P.; Hillenbrand, J.; Fleischer, J. 2019. Springer (Ed.), Production at the leading edge of technology: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), September 30th - October 2nd, Hamburg 2019. Eds.: Jens Peter Wulfsberg, Wolfgang Hintze, Bernd-Arno Behrens, 503–512, Springer
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The Olympia Declaration Pitsiladis, Y. P.; Abatzis-Papadopoulos, M.; Ali, N.; Aggeloudis, S.; Atkinson, C.; Constandache, B.; Ganus, Y.; Geladas, N.; Giakoumakis, S. I.; Guner, R.; Howman, D.; Lima, G. H. O.; Khristenko, E.; Koskolou, M.; Klissouras, V.; Ladikas, M.; Loland, S.; McNamee, M. J.; Pardos, B. M.; Natsis, K.; et al. 2019. Current sports medicine reports, 18 (12), 448–451. doi:10.1249/JSR.0000000000000660
Learning Factory on Global Production: Use Case Augmented Go & See Lanza, G.; Liebrecht, C. 2019. M. Taisch, M. L. Casidsid, M. Despeisse, R. Luglietti, G. May, T. R. Morin, M. Pinzone & T. Wuest (Eds.), The 2019 World Manufacturing Forum Report. Eds.: Marco Taisch, Mark L. Casidsid, Mélanie Despeisse, Rossella Luglietti, Gökan Mayan, Teresa R. Mori, Marta Pinzone, Thorsten Wuest, 56, World Manufacturing Foundation
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The IWSLT 2019 KIT Speech Translation System Pham, N.-Q.; Nguyen, T.-S.; Ha, T.-L.; Hussain, J.; Schneider, F.; Niehues, J.; Stüker, S.; Waibel, A. 2019. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2019), Hong Kong, November 2-3. Ed.: J. Niehues. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3525564
Bibliometric-Enhanced arXiv: A Data Set for Paper-Based and Citation-Based Tasks Saier, T.; Färber, M. 2019. 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval, BIR 2019 : Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) co-located with the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) Cologne, Germany, April 14th, 2019. Ed.: G. Cabanac, 14–26, RWTH Aachen