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Serie: Vehicle Ride Comfort and Acoustics II, SS 2019

Autor Gauterin, Frank Zentrum für Mediales Lernen (ZML) [Hrsg.]
Genre Vorlesung
Beschreibung Learning Objectives: The students have knowledge about the noise and vibration properties of the chassis components and the drive train. They know what kind of noise and vibration phenomena do exist, what are the generation mechanisms behind, which components of the vehicle participate in which way to the sound and vibration comfort, and how they could they be improved. They have knowledge in the subject area of noise emission of automobiles: Noise impact, legal requirements, sources and influencing parameters, component and system optimization, target conflicts and development methods. They are ready to analyse, to evaluate, and to optimize the vehicle with its single components regarding acoustic and vibration phenomena. They are also able to contribute competently to the development of a vehicle regarding noise and vibration refinement. Content: The relevance of tires, road surface, wheel imperfections, springs, dampers, brakes, bearings and bushings, suspensions, engines and drive train for the acoustic and mechanical driving comfort: phenomena influencing parameters types of construction optimization of components and systems target conflicts methods of development Noise emission of motor vehicles noise stress sound sources and influencing parameters legal restraints optimization of components and systems target conflicts methods of development Literature: 1. Zeller P (Hrsg.), Handbuch Fahrzeugakustik, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2018 2. Russel C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Pearson, Munich 2017 3. Mitschke M, Wallentowitz H, Dynamik der Kraftfahrzeuge, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2014
Fachgebiete Maschinenbau (masch) (DDC 620) Werkstoffkunde, Fertigungstechnik (werk) (DDC 620)
DOI 10.5445/DIVA/2019-C30
Reichweite Veröffentlichung nur im Campusnetz des KIT
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