Repository KITopen
Serie: Mixed-Integer Optimization I
Lectures on linear mixed-integer optimization at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Wirtschaftswissenschaften (wirt) (DDC 330)
Veröffentlichung nur im Campusnetz des KIT
Folgen 1 - 43
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.10 (Iterative solution by a cutting plane method), part 3
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.10 (Iterative solution by a cutting plane method), part 2
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.10 (Iterative solution by a cutting plane method), part 1
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.9 (General cuts for nonlinear objective functions)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.8 (The Benders reformulation of MILP)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.7 (A dual description of the reduced feasible set)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.6 (A dual description of the reduced objective function)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.5 (A purely discrete problem, equivalent to MILP)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.4 (Unsolvability and connections between the inner problems)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.3 (A functional description of the reduced feasible set)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.2 (The reduced objective function of MILP)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.6.1 (Benders decomposition / general decomposition)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.6 (Gomory's split cut), part 3
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.6 (Gomory's split cut), part 2
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.6 (Gomory's split cut), part 1
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.5 (Split inequalities)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.4 (The mixed-integer case)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.3 (Chvátal inequalities)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.2 (The purely integer case), part 2
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.2 (The purely integer case), part 1
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5.1 (General cuts)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.5 (Gomory Cuts - Introduction)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.4.4 (Iterative Branching), Section 2.4.5 (Construction of the subdivision), Section 2.4.6 (Initialization), Section 2.4.7 (Termination), Section 2.4.8 (Tuning), Section 2.4.9 (Unboundedness)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.4.1 (Branching), Section 2.4.2 (Discarding), Section 2.4.3 (Bounding)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.7 (Computation of good feasible points)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.6 (Measuring infeasibility by penalty functions)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.5 (Measuring infeasibility by geometrical distance)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.4 (Granularity in the presence of equality constraints)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.3 (Error bounds via inner parallel sets), part 3
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.3 (Error bounds via inner parallel sets), part 2
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.3 (Error bounds via inner parallel sets), part 1
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.2 (Rounding), part 3
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.2 (Rounding), part 2
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.2 (Rounding), part 1
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.3.1 (Relaxation and rounding errors)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.2 (Solvability)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2.1 (Examples and modelling)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 2 (Mixed-integer linear optimization), Introduction
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 1.2 (Solvability)
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 1.1 (Examples and terminology), part 3
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 1.1 (Examples and terminology), part 2
Mixed-Integer Optimization I, Section 1.1 (Examples and terminology), part 1
Mixed-Integer Optimization I
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