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Applications of 2D and 3D full waveform tomography in acoustic and viscoacoustic complex media

Kurzmann, André


Full waveform tomography (FWT) is a high-resolution imaging method to exploit the full richness of recorded waveforms. It is able to resolve subsurface structures smaller than a wavelength. In this work I developed 2D and 3D time-domain implementations of acoustic FWT including its optimization with respect to methodological and technical aspects. I accomplished several synthetic feasibility studies with applications to seismic data computed in cross-well or reflection experiments.

Volltext §
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000034421
Cover der Publikation
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Geophysikalisches Institut (GPI)
KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt (ZKU)
Publikationstyp Hochschulschrift
Publikationsjahr 2012
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator urn:nbn:de:swb:90-344211
KITopen-ID: 1000034421
Verlag Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Art der Arbeit Dissertation
Fakultät Fakultät für Physik (PHYSIK)
Institut Geophysikalisches Institut (GPI)
Prüfungsdaten 30.11.2012
Schlagwörter seismic imaging, time domain, acoustic, full waveform tomography
Referent/Betreuer Bohlen, T.
KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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