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A Catalog of the Highest-energy Cosmic Rays Recorded during Phase I of Operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory

Pierre Auger Collaboration; Abdul Halim, A.; Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Allekotte, I.; Allison, P.; Almeida Cheminant, K.; Almela, A.; Alvarez-Muñiz, J.; Ammerman Yebra, J.; Anastasi, G. A.; Anchordoqui, L.; Andrada, B.; Andringa, S.; Aramo, C.; Araújo Ferreira, P. R.; Arnone, E.; Arteaga Velázquez, J. C.; Asorey, H.; ... mehr


A catalog containing details of the highest-energy cosmic rays recorded through the detection of extensive air-showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory is presented with the aim of opening the data to detailed examination. Descriptions of the 100 showers created by the highest-energy particles recorded between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2020 are given for cosmic rays that have energies in the range 78 EeV to 166 EeV. Details are also given of a further nine very-energetic events that have been used in the calibration procedure adopted to determine the energy of each primary. A sky plot of the arrival directions of the most energetic particles is shown. No interpretations of the data are offered.

Volltext §
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000156944
Veröffentlicht am 14.03.2023
Cover der Publikation
Zugehörige Institution(en) am KIT Institut für Astroteilchenphysik (IAP)
Institut für Prozessdatenverarbeitung und Elektronik (IPE)
Publikationstyp Forschungsbericht/Preprint
Publikationsjahr 2022
Sprache Englisch
Identifikator KITopen-ID: 1000156944
HGF-Programm 51.13.03 (POF IV, LK 01) Kosmische Strahlung Auger
Umfang 29 S.
Vorab online veröffentlicht am 29.11.2022
Schlagwörter Ultra-high-energy cosmic radiation (1733), Cosmic ray showers (327), Experimental data (2371), Catalogs (205)
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