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Instability of non-Newtonian open channel flow Wang, Z.; Lin, B.; Zhang, X. 1993. In: Contributions to non-stationary sediment transport. Ed.: W. Kron. Karlsruhe 1993. S. E1-E23. (Mitteilungen des Instituts fuer Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft der Universitaet Karlsruhe. 42.)
Wind tunnel modeling of convective boundary layers Rau, M. 1993. In: Abstracts. 6th Eurasap-International Workshop on Wind and Water Tunnel Modelling of Atmospheric Flow and Dispersion, Aso, Japan 1993
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Erzeugung von Schwebstoffen Plate, E. J. 1993. In: Feststofftransport und Gewaesseroekologie. Hrsg.: G. Rouve. Aachen 1993. S. 45-62. (Mitteilungen. Institut fuer Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, RWTH Aachen. 90.)
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Turbulence modelling of double-diffusive convection Michioku, K.; Plate, E. J. 1993. In: Refined flow modelling and turbulence measurements. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium, Paris 1993. S. 753-760
Probability of bridge failure due to scouring Kron, W.; Plate, E. J. 1993. In: Hydraulic Engineering ’93. Proceedings of the ASCE Conference, San Francisco 1993. Ed.: H.W. Shen. Vol. 2. New York 1993. S. 2081-2086
Estimation of local climatic factors under climate change. Pt. 1 u. 2 Bogardi, I.; Matyasovszky, I.; Bardossy, A.; Duckstein, L. 1993. In: Engineering risk and reliability in a changing physical environment. NATO Advanced Study Institute. Main Conference, Deauville, France 1993
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