GKS - the proposed international graphic standard Enderle, G.; Gallop, J.; Sutcliffe, D. 1982. Hubbold, R.J.; Arnold, A.C.; Hewitt, W.T. [Hrsg.] Computer Graphics Fundamentals. Eurographics 82, Pre-Symp.Tutorial, Manchester, GB, September 6-7, 1982 Geneva: Eurographics Association, 1982
Techniken der Modulverwaltung fuer Methodenbanken und CAD-Systeme Enderle, G.; Olbrich, W.; Schlechtendahl, E. G.; Schumann, U. 1982. Nehmer, J. [Hrsg.] GI-12.Jahrestagung, Kaiserslautern, 5.-7.Oktober 1982 Proc. Berlin[usw.]: Springer 1982 (Informatik-Fachberichte. 57)
Neutron fuel interaction in a HIBALL target Goel, B.; Henderson, D. L. 1982. Proc.of the Symp.on Accelerator Aspects of Heavy Ion Fusion. Darmstadt, March 29 - April 2, 1982 GSI-82-8 (1982)
Stand der Reaktorsicherheitsforschung im Projekt Nukleare Sicherheit Rininsland, H.; Fiege, A.; Gulden, W.; Horsch, F.; Hosemann, J. P. 1982. 9.Jahreskolloquium des Projekts Nukleare Sicherheit des Kernforschungszentrums Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe, 25.-26.Oktober 1982 KfK-3470 (Oktober 82)
Anwendung von Fluessigextraktionsverfahren bei der Inkorporationsueberwachung auf Np, Pu, Am, Cm und Cf Widua, L.; Schieferdecker, H. 1982. Vortragstagung ’Kern-, Radio-, Strahlenchemie - Grundlagen und Anwendungen’, der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie, gemeinsam mit den chemischen Instituten des Kernforschungszentrums Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, 20.-24.September 1982 [Book of] Abstracts ohne Zaehlung KfK-3370B (Oktober 82)
Application of TLD systems for environmental monitoring Piesch, E. 1982. Oberhofer, M. [Hrsg.]: Applied Thermoluminescence Dosimetry: Lect.of a Course, Ispra, I, November 12-16, 1979. - Bristol: Hilger, 1981 Zugl.: EUR-6990 EN
Application of TLD in personnel dosimetry Piesch, E. 1982. Oberhofer, M. [Hrsg.]: Applied Thermoluminescence Dosimetry: Lect.of a Course, Ispra, I, November 12-16, 1979. - Bristol: Hilger, 1981 Zugl.: EUR-6990 EN
DNA mediated transfer and fate of a proviral gene of mouse mammary tumor virus in cultured cells Hynes, N.; Rahmsdorf, U.; Kennedy, N.; Herrlich, P.; Hohn, B.; Groner, B. 1982. Burger, M.M. [Hrsg.]: Embryonic Development: 9.Congress of the Internat.Society of Developmental Biologists, Basel, CH, August 28 - September 1, 1981. - New York: Liss. (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research; 85) Pt.A: Genetic Aspects. 1982
Interdependence of in-pile creep and void swelling in Ti- and Nb-stabilized stainless steels Schneider, W.; Herschbach, K.; Ehrlich, K. 1982. Brager, H.R. [u.a. Hrsg.]: Effects of Radiation on Materials, Proc.of the 11th Internat.Symp., Scottsdale, Ariz., June 28-30, 1982. Philadelphia, Pa.: American Soc.for Testing and Materials, 1982. (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 782)
Welcome and introductory remarks Anderko, K. 1982. Borgstedt, H.U. Material Behavior and Physical Chemistry in Liquid Metal Systems. Proc.of a Conf., Karlsruhe, March 24-26, 1981 New York, N.Y. [usw.]: Plenum Pr. 1982 548 S
Control-rod parametrical studies in the framework of the pre-racine and racine programs Humbert, G.; Ruelle, B.; Daguzan, G.; Stanculescu, A.; Kappler, F.; Scholtyssek, W.; Bouscavet, D.; Martini, M.; Broccoli, U. 1982. Proc.of the Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Core Thermal Hydraulics, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., September 22-24, 1982 NUREG/CP-0034 (1982) Vol.1
Neutronic analysis of simulated LMFBR fuel slump experiments Henneges, G.; Maschek, W. 1982. Proc.of the Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Core Thermal Hydraulics, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., September 22-24, 1982 NUREG/CP-0034 (1982) Vol.1
Reinforced polymers at low temperatures Hartwig, G. 1982. Proc.of the 4th Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf., San Diego, Calif., August 10-14, 1981. New York[u.a.]: Plenum Pr., 1982. (Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials; vol.28)
Influence of PEBA and LABA on superconductors Meyer, O. 1982. Dorobantu, I.A. [Hrsg.]: Trends in Physics: Papers.Pres.at the 5th General Conf.of the European Physical Soc., Istanbul, TR, September 7-11, 1981. Bucharest: Central Inst.of Physics 1982
Lattice dynamics of the A15 compound Cr₃Si Kobbelt, M.; Nuecker, N.; Reichardt, W.; Scheerer, B. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
Radiation induced phase transitions in the Nb-Si system Ruzicka, J.; Haase, E. L.; Meyer, O. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
Electron tunneling into A15 NbGe Geerk, J.; Rowell, J. M.; Schmidt, P. H.; Wuechner, F.; Schauer, W. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
The phonon density of states of high Tsub(c) Nb₃Ge Mueller, P.; Nuecker, N.; Reichardt, W.; Mueller, A. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
The phonons of Nb₃Sn Weber, W. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
Phonons and electron-phonon coupling in A15’s Pintschovius, L.; Smith, H. G.; Weber, W.; Reichardt, W.; Wakabayashi, N.; Webb, G.; Fisk, Z.; Chang, Y. K.; Aker, E.; Politis, C. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
SSYST - a code system to analyze LWR fuel rod behavior under accident conditions Gulden, W.; Meyder, R.; Borgwaldt, H. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Los Angeles, Calif., June 6-10, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 41(1982) S.305-06 Newsletter of the NEA Data Bank, 28(1982) S.73-101
The RACINE programme. Physics and safety studies in heterogeneous configurations Scholtyssek, W.; Humbert, G.; Martini, M. 1982. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 82. Reaktortagung 1982. Mannheim, 4.-6.Mai 1982. Kerntechnische Ges.e.V. Deutsches Atomforum e.V. Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen: Fachinformationszentrum Energie Physik, Mathematik 1982
Electric field gradients in amorphous materials Czjzek, G. 1982. Kajcsos, Zs.; Dezsi, I.; Horvath, D.; Nagy, D.L. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Amorphous Systems Investigated by Nuclear Methods, Balatonfuered, H, August 31 - September 4, 1981 Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 199(1982)
German Research and development program on failed fuel detection and location in LMFBRs Jacobi, S.; Hoffmann, G.; Schmitz, G.; Relic, M. 1982. In: Jacobi, S. [Hrsg.] Fuel Failure Detection and Location in LMFBRs Proc.of an Internat.Atomic Energy Agency Specialists’ Meeting Internat.Working Group on Fast Reactors, Karlsruhe, May 11-14, 1981 KfK-3203 (Juni 82) IWGFR/38 (Juni 82)
Fuel failure detection and location in fast breeder reactors Hoffmann, G.; Jacobi, S.; Schmitz, G.; Relic, M. 1982. In: Jacobi, S. [Hrsg.] Fuel Failure Detection and Location in LMFBRs Proc.of an Internat.Atomic Energy Agency Specialists’ Meeting Internat.Working Group on Fast Reactors, Karlsruhe, May 11-14, 1981 KfK-3203 (Juni 82) IWGFR/38 (Juni 82)
In-pile experiments with failed fuel elements Jacobi, S.; Schmitz, G.; Relic, M. 1982. In: Jacobi, S. [Hrsg.] Fuel Failure Detection and Location in LMFBRs Proc.of an Internat.Atomic Energy Agency Specialists’ Meeting Internat.Working Group on Fast Reactors, Karlsruhe, May 11-14, 1981 KfK-3203 (Juni 82) IWGFR/38 (Juni 82)
Experience of failed fuel detection and localization at KNK II Richard, H.; Stade, K. C.; Jacobi, S.; Stieglitz, L.; Becker, R.; Dauk, J. 1982. In: Jacobi, S. [Hrsg.] Fuel Failure Detection and Location in LMFBRs Proc.of an Internat.Atomic Energy Agency Specialists’ Meeting Internat.Working Group on Fast Reactors, Karlsruhe, May 11-14, 1981 KfK-3203 (Juni 82) IWGFR/38 (Juni 82)
Reactor instrumentation for fuel failure detection at KNK II and SNR 300 Hoffmann, G.; Jacobi, S.; Schmitz, G.; Dauk, J.; Relic, M. 1982. In: Jacobi, S. [Hrsg.] Fuel Failure Detection and Location in LMFBRs Proc.of an Internat.Atomic Energy Agency Specialists’ Meeting Internat.Working Group on Fast Reactors, Karlsruhe, May 11-14, 1981 KfK-3203 (Juni 82) IWGFR/38 (Juni 82)
Detection and location of failed fuel elements in LMFBRs. A review Jacobi, S. 1982. In: Jacobi, S. [Hrsg.] Fuel Failure Detection and Location in LMFBRs Proc.of an Internat.Atomic Energy Agency Specialists’ Meeting Internat.Working Group on Fast Reactors, Karlsruhe, May 11-14, 1981 KfK-3203 (Juni 82) IWGFR/38 (Juni 82)
Planungssysteme und Entscheidungsprozesse in der Grossforschung Hermann, H. 1982. Stichel, P. [Hrsg.] Ergebnisse der Arbeitstagung Forschungsmanagement in der Physik 6, der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Bad Honnef, 2.-4.Dezember 1981 Bad Honnef: Dt.Phys.Ges.1982 ohne Zaehlung
Concepts for alternative spent fuel management and disposal techniques Mehling, O.; Engelmann, H. J.; Loser, H. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Internat.ENS/ANS Conf.New Directions in Nuclear Energy with Emphasis on Fuel Cycles, Bruxelles, B, April 26-30, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 40(1982)
Operational safety experience gained with KNK II Hoechel, J.; Marth, W.; Brudermueller, G. 1982. Proc.of the Internat.Topical Meeting on Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Safety and Related Design and Operational Aspects, Lyon-Ecully, F, July 19-23, 1982 Paris : SFEN, 1982 S.I/257-I/267
Conditioning of radioactive waste in a highly dense graphite matrix Hrovat, M.; Huschka, H.; Kroebel, R.; Rachor, L.; Schmidt-Hansberg, T. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Internat.ENS/ANS Conf.New Directions in Nuclear Energy with Emphasis on Fuel Cycles, Bruxelles, B, April 26-30, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 40(1982)
Improved volume reduction of nuclear power plant wastes Witte, H.; Bregulla, E.; Feyerbacher, D.; Hofmann, J.; Wewer, H.; Ambros, R.; Brenner, N.; Paffrath, G.; Schroeder, H. J.; Hempelmann, W. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Internat.ENS/ANS Conf.New Directions in Nuclear Energy with Emphasis on Fuel Cycles, Bruxelles, B, April 26-30, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 40(1982)
Modeling of a real-time distributed system Didic, M. 1982. Segundo Simposio Latino-Americano sobre Redes de Computadores, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Junho 14-17, 1982 Sao Paulo: Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1982
Triggered fragmentation experiments at Karlsruhe Ando, M.; Caldarola, L. 1982. Mueller, U.; Guenter, G. [Hrsg.] Post Accident Debris Cooling. Proc.of the Post Accident Heat Removal Information Exchange Meeting, Karlsruhe, July 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: Braun, 1982
Burst criterion of zircaloy fuel claddings in a loss-of-coolant accident Erbacher, F. J.; Neitzel, H. J.; Rosinger, H.; Schmidt, H.; Wiehr, K. 1982. Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry. Proc.of the 5th Internat.Conf., Boston, Mass., August 4-7, 1980 Philadelphia, Pa.: ASTM 1982. (ASTM Special Technical Publication. 754)
Possible mechanisms of fuel pin breach evolution Gestermann, F.; Chalony, A.; Fromont, F.; Kleykamp, H. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Los Angeles, Calif., June 6-10, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 41(1982)
On the radiative heat transfer in liquid urania Bober, M.; Singer, J.; Wagner, K. 1982. Mueller, U.; Guenter, G. [Hrsg.] Post Accident Debris Cooling. Proc.of the Post Accident Heat Removal Information Exchange Meeting, Karlsruhe, July 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: Braun, 1982
Bottom cooling of particulate debris beds Barleon, L.; Thomauske, K.; Werle, H. 1982. Mueller, U.; Guenter, G. [Hrsg.] Post Accident Debris Cooling. Proc.of the Post Accident Heat Removal Information Exchange Meeting, Karlsruhe, July 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: Braun, 1982
Fracture toughness and fatigue behaviour of austenitic steels at 77 and 4 K Nyilas, A.; Krauth, H. 1982. Maurer, K.L.; Matzer, F.E. [Hrsg.] Fracture and the Role of Microstructure. Proc.of the 4th European Conf.on Fracture, Leoben, A, September 22-24, 1982 Warley: Engineering Materials Advisory Services 1982. Vol.II
Stress-induced instabilities in Nb₃Sn Fluekiger, R.; Schauer, W.; Goldacker, W. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
Intermediate range order in amorphous phosphorus Lannin, J. S.; Shanabrook, B. V.; Gompf, F. 1982. Rindone, G.E.; Pantano, C.G.; White, W.B. [Hrsg.] Glass Microstructure Surface and Bulk. Proc.of the 6th University Conf.on Glass Science, Pennsylvania State University, Pa., July 29-31, 1981 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 49(1982)
Smearing of the density of states of superconducting Nb Blaschke, R.; Philipp, A.; Halbritter, J. 1982. Buckel, W.; Weber, W. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity in d- and f-Band Metals. Proc.of the 4th Conf., Karlsruhe, June 28-30, 1982 Karlsruhe: KfK, 1982
Problems raised by the results of the German reactor risk study Huebschmann, W.; Vogt, S. 1982. Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Symp. ’Radiological Protection - Advances in Theory and Practice, held at Inverness, GB, June 6-11, 1982 Berkeley: Society for Radiological Protection 1982 Vol. 1
Radioactive materials in primary circuits of LMFBRs. Sources - transport - removal Stamm, H. H. 1982. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Safety Problems Related to Sodium Handling in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors and Large Test Facilities. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, November 12-14, 1980 Bruxelles[usw]: Commission of the European Communities 1981. EUR-7648-EN (1981)
Ozonation of aromatic compounds, pH-dependence Gilbert, E. 1982. 11th Conf.of the Internat.Association of Water Pollution Research, Capetown, ZA, March 29 - April 4, 1982 Water Science and Technology, 14(1982)
Sodium fires and extinguishment Peppler, W. 1982. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Safety Problems Related to Sodium Handling in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors and Large Test Facilities. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, November 12-14, 1980 Bruxelles[usw]: Commission of the European Communities 1981. EUR-7648-EN (1981)
Forced flow cooling with single-phase helium Krafft, G.; Komarek, P.; Hofmann, A. 1982. Stability of Superconductors in Helium I and Helium II, Proc.of the Workshop, held at Saclay, F, November 16-19, 1981 Paris: Institut International du Froid 1981
Theoretical studies of stability in pool boiling helium I Nick, W. 1982. Stability of Superconductors in Helium I and Helium II, Proc.of the Workshop, held at Saclay, F, November 16-19, 1981 Paris: Institut International du Froid 1981
Heavy ion beam inertial confinement fusion pellet simulation Tahir, N. A.; Long, K. A. 1982. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 82. Reaktortagung 1982. Mannheim, 4.-6.Mai 1982. Kerntechnische Ges.e.V. Deutsches Atomforum e.V. Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik 1982
Neutronenphysikalische Untersuchungen von Traegheitsfusionstargets und -blankets Goel, B.; Henderson, D. L.; Hoebel, W. 1982. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 82. Reaktortagung 1982. Mannheim, 4.-6.Mai 1982. Kerntechnische Ges.e.V. Deutsches Atomforum e.V. Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik 1982
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