Modellierung der Schadstoffausbreitung laengs des Oberrheintals Nester, K. 1986. Rentz, O. [Hrsg.] Umweltforschung in der Region : 1. gemeinsames wiss.Kolloquium der oberrheinischen Universitaeten, Strasbourg, F, 27.-28.Juni 1986 Strasbourg : Univ., 1986. -
Direct three-nucleon pion-absorption processes in 3 He Cierjacks, S.; Furic, M.; Ljungfelt, S.; Mankin, U.; Petkovic, T.; Simicevic, N.; Ullrich, H.; Backenstoss, G.; Izycki, M.; Salvisberg, P.; Steinacher, M.; Weber, P.; Weyer, H. J. 1986. Berman, B.L. [Hrsg.] The Three-Body Force in the Three-Nucleon System : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Washington, D.C., April 24-26, 1986. - (Lecture Notes in Physics; 260)
Erfordernisse und Inhalt einer Stillegungsgenehmigung Hollmann, H. 1986. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 86. Aachen, 8.-10.April 1986 Kerntechnische Ges.e.V. Deutsches Atomforum e.V. Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik 1986
Anomalous low-temperature lattice dynamics of fcc lanthanium Wang, X. W.; Chen, Y.; Stassis, C.; Harmon, B. N.; Ho, K. M.; Weber, W. 1986. Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Ames, Iowa, May 29-31, 1985 Physica B+C, 135(1985)
Electron energy loss spectra of high Tsub(c) A15 materials Mueller-Heinzerling, T.; Fink, J.; Weber, W. 1986. Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Ames, Iowa, May 29-31, 1985 Physica B+C, 135(1985)
Neutron-deuteron elastic scattering in the energy range up to 50 MeV Klages, H. O.; Hofmann, K.; Nitz, W.; Voelker, G.; Doll, P.; Fink, G.; Garrett, R.; Heeringa, W.; Koike, Y. 1986. Berman, B.L. [Hrsg.] The Three-Body Force in the Three-Nucleon System : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Washington, D.C., April 24-26, 1986. - (Lecture Notes in Physics; 260)
Antiprotonic, hyperonic and antihydrogen atoms Poth, H. 1986. Antimatter Physics at Low Energy : Proc.of the 1st Workshop, Batavia, Ill., April 10-12, 1986 Batavia, Ill.: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1986. -
Magnetism and structure of metallic glasses Czjzek, G. 1986. Proc.of the Internat.Workshop on Hyperfine Interactions, Kanpur, IND, January 16-25, 1984 Hyperfine Interactions, 24-26(1985)
Electron tunneling into A15 and B1 superconductors Geerk, J.; Schneider, U.; Bangert, W.; Rietschel, H.; Gompf, F.; Gurvitch, M.; Remeika, J. P.; Rowell, J. M. 1986. Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Ames, Iowa, May 29-31, 1985 Physica B+C, 135(1985)
Planar defects in Nb₃Ge and hexagonal Nb₅Ge₃ Arita, M.; Nissen, H. U.; Schauer, W. 1986. 11th Internat.Congress on Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, J, August 31 - September 7, 1986 Proc
Niederaichbach nuclear power station (KKN) - safe enclosure and total dismantling Loeschhorn, U.; Birkhold, U.; Obst, J.; Stasch, W. 1986. Nuclear Energy of Today and Tomorrow ; 4th Internat. ENS/ANS Conf. and 9th Foratom Congress, Geneve, CH, June 1-6, 1986 ; Transactions Bern : ENS, 1986. - Vol. 4 - Internat.Topical Meeting on Waste Management and Decontamination and Decomissioning: Spectrum’86, Niagara Falls, N.Y., September 14-18, 1986
Die Arbeit im Konstruktionsbureau mit und ohne CAD Riehm, U. 1986. Margulies, F. [Hrsg.] Neue Automatisierungstechniken : Chancen fuer Klein- und Mittelbetriebe; Berichte ATOe-Informationstagung, Graz, A, 21.-22.Mai 1986 Wien [u.a.] : Springer, 1986. -
Mechanism and kinetics of Na,K-unmixing in Al(Si,Ge) alkali feldspars Deckers, B.; Kroll, H.; Pentinghaus, H. 1986. Materials Science Forum, 7(1986) S.103-12 Freer, R. [Hrsg.] Kinetics and Mass Transport in Silicate and Oxide Systems : Proc.of a Meeting, London, GB, September 13-14, 1984 Aedermannsdorf [u.a.] : Trans Tech Publ. - S.103-12 (Materials Science Forum ; 7)
The nuclear self energy - semiclassically Hasse, R. W. 1986. Iori, I. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Physics; Proc.of the 24th Internat.Winter Meeting, Bormio, I, January 20-25, 1986 Milano: Univ.of Milano, 1986. -
R and D activities in the FRG for simplification of reprocessing Schmieder, H.; Henrich, E.; Ebert, K. 1986. Nuclear Energy of Today and Tomorrow ; 4th Internat. ENS/ANS Conf. and 9th Foratom Congress, Geneve, CH, June 1-6, 1986 ; Transactions Bern : ENS, 1986. - Vol. 4 -
Fast reactor fuel reprocessing experience in Germany Ebert, K. 1986. Logsdail, D.H. [Hrsg.] Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle : Proc. of the Meeting, Harwell, GB, September 3-6, 1985 Chichester : Horwood, 1985. -
Neue Entwicklungen bei Schwebstoffiltern fuer die Kerntechnik Bella, H.; Alken, W.; Ruedinger, V.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1986. Fraser, G. [Hrsg.] Gaseous Effluent Treatment in Nuclear Installations : Conf., Luxembourg, L, October 14-18, 1985 Luxembourg : Commission of the European Communities 1986. -
Fuel testing in irradiation experiments Bojarsky, E. 1986. R and D Activities using the MPR-30 : Joint German-Indonesian Seminar, Jakarta, RI, August 19-21, 1985 Juelich : KfA, 1985. - Pt. II
Unresolved resonances and the optical model Froehner, F. H. 1986. Use of the Optical Model for Calculation of Neutron Cross Sections below 20 MeV : Specialists’ Meeting, Paris, F, November 13-15, 1985 Paris : OECD, 1986. - NEANDC-222 U (1986)
Dynamic analysis of a crack-arrest specimen Stamm, H.; Bass, B. R.; Pugh, C. E. 1986. 11. MPA-Seminar, Stuttgart, 10.-11.Oktober 1985 Nuclear Engineering and Design, 96(1986)
HLW container corrosion and design Marsh, G. P.; Pinard-Legry, G.; Smailos, E.; Casteels, F.; Vu Quang, K.; Cripps, J.; Haijtink, B. 1986. Simon, R. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal : Proc. of the 2nd European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, April 22-26, 1985 Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1986. -
Methods of conditioning waste fuel decladding hulls and dissolver residues Regge, P. de; Loida, A.; Schmidt-Hansberg, T.; Sombret, C. 1986. Simon, R. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal : Proc. of the 2nd European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, April 22-26, 1985 Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1986. -
Conditioning of alpha waste Halaszovich, S.; Gerontopoulos, P.; Hennart, D.; Voorde, M. van de; Ledebrink, F. W.; Loida, A.; Phillips, D. C. 1986. Simon, R. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal : Proc. of the 2nd European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, April 22-26, 1985 Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1986. -
Future trends for power reactor fuel Muehling, G. 1986. R and D Activities using the MPR-30 : Joint German-Indonesian Seminar, Jakarta, RI, August 19-21, 1985 Juelich : KfA, 1985. - Pt. II
Modelling of the thermomechanical behaviour of salt rock Albers, G.; Graefe, V.; Korthaus, E.; Pudewills, A.; Prij, J.; Wallner, M. 1986. Simon, R. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal : Proc. of the 2nd European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, April 22-26, 1985 Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1986. -
Chemical precipitation processes for the treatment of low and medium level liquid waste Cecille, L.; Gompper, K.; Gutman, R.; Halaszovich, S.; Mousty, F.; Petteau, J. F. 1986. Simon, R. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal : Proc. of the 2nd European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, April 22-26, 1985 Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1986. -
Corrosion behavior of nodular cast iron casks for low and intermediate level wastes Hauser, W.; Koester, R. 1986. Werme, L.O. [Hrsg.] Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management : Proc.of the 9th Internat.Symp., Stockholm, S, September 9-11, 1985 Pittsburgh, Pa.: Materials Research Soc., 1986. - (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings ; 50)
A laser fluorimeter for uranium detection in waste Schoof, S.; Mainka, E.; Hellmund, E. 1986. Laing, W.R. [Hrsg.] Analytical Chemistry Instrumentation Proc.of the 28th Conf.on Analytical Chemistry in Energy Technology, Knoxville, Tenn., October 1-3, 1985 Chelsea: Lewis Publ.Inc. 1986
Alpha monitoring of solid waste Bosser, R.; Bondar, L.; Ley, J.; Borrmann, H.; Grossi, G.; Leake, J. W.; Wuerz, H. 1986. Simon, R. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal : Proc. of the 2nd European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, April 22-26, 1985 Cambridge : Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1986. -
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