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Electronic structure of La₂₋ₓSrₓCuO₄ and YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋sub(y) Fink, J.; Nuecker, N.; Romberg, H.; Fuggle, J. C.; Weijs, P. J. W.; Schoorl, R.; Durham, P. J.; Temmerman, W. M.; Gegenheimer, B. 1989. Weber, H.W. [Hrsg.] High-Tsub(c) Superconductors : Proc.of an Internat.Discussion Meeting, Mauterndorf, A, February 7-11, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Plenum Pr. - 1988
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Superconducting properties of HTSC thin films prepared in situ by single target deposition Geerk, J.; Xi, X. X.; Li, H. C.; Guan, W. Y.; Kus, P.; Hoebel, M.; Linker, G.; Meyer, O.; Ratzel, F.; Schultheiss, C.; Smithey, R.; Strehlau, B.; Weschenfelder, F. 1989. Minster Lovell Meeting ’Ion Beam Modification and Processing in High Temperature Superconductors’, Oxford, GB, April 9-12, 1989 International Journal of Modern Physics B, 3(1989)
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Transport von Luftverunreinigungen in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Neueste Ergebnisse aus dem TULLA-Projekt Fiedler, F.; Adrian, G.; Baer, M.; Hugelmann, C. P.; Nester, K.; Vogel, B.; Vogel, H.; Walk, O. 1989. Projekt Europaeisches Forschungszentrum fuer Massnahmen zur Luftreinhaltung (PEF). 5. Statuskolloquium des PEF vom 7. bis 9. Maerz 1989 im Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. KfK-PEF 50 (April 89) Bd. 2
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Investigations of the binding of ²³⁹Pu to liver cell membranes Planas-Bohne, F.; Kampmann, G.; Olinger, H. 1989. Benedict, U. [Hrsg.] Transuranium Elements Today and Tomorrow : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Karlsruhe, October 26-27, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989 S.275-83 The Science of the Total Environment, 83(1989) S.263-71
Effects of continuous exposure to ²³⁹Pu-α rays on Co631 cells Rau, W.; Olinger, H.; Planas-Bohne, F.; Taylor, D. M. 1989. Benedict, U. [Hrsg.] Transuranium Elements Today and Tomorrow : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Karlsruhe, October 26-27, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989 S.265-74 The Science of the Total Environment, 83(1989) S.253-62
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Establishing of a detailed measurement model for NRTA procedures Bicking, U.; Golly, W.; Seifert, R. 1989. Proc.of the 11th Annual Symp.of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), Luxembourg, L, May 29 - June 1, 1989 Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1989. - ESARDA-22 EUR-12193-EN
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Preliminary results of the systems analysis dual-purpose repository Papp, R.; Closs, K. D.; Bechthold, W.; Engelmann, H. J.; Hartje, B. 1989. Post, R. G. [Hrsg.] Waste Management : ’89 ; Waste Processing, Transportation, Storage and Disposal, Technical Programs and Public Education ; Proc.of the Symp., Tucson, Ariz., February 26 - March 2, 1989 Tucson, Ariz. : Arizona Board of Regents 1989 Vol. 1
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