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A study of the reaction π⁻p ->eta⁰n at momenta up to 40 GeV/c Apel, W. D.; Bertolucci, E.; Bushnin, Y. B.; Donskov, S. V.; Franceschini, R.; Givoletti, M.; Grachev, M. I.; Injakin, A. V.; Johnson, R. P.; Kachanov, V. A.; Kittenberger, W.; Krasnokutsky, R. N.; Leder, G.; Lednev, A. A.; Mannelli, I.; Mikhailov, Y. V.; Mueller, H.; Operparleiter, R.; Pernika, M.; Pierazzini, G. M.; et al. 1974. 17.Internat. Conference on High Energy Physics, London, July 1-10, 1974 IFVE-SEF-74-117
Reaction π⁻p->X⁰n, X⁰->2γ at momenta 15 and 40 GeV/c Apel, W. D.; Bertolucci, E.; Donskov, S. V.; Injakin, A. V.; Johnson, R. P.; Kachanov, V. A.; Kittenberger, W.; Krasnokutsky, R. N.; Leder, G.; Lednev, A. A.; Mannelli, I.; Mikhailov, Y. V.; Mueller, H.; Pierazzini, G. M.; Prokoshkin, Y. D.; Schinzel, D.; Schneider, H.; Scribano, A.; Sergiampietri, F.; Shuvalov, R. S.; et al. 1974. 17.Internat. Conference on High Energy Physics, London, July 1-10, 1974 IFVE-SEF-74-118
Implementing CAMAC by Compilers Kneis, W. 1974. Proc.of the 1.Internat.Symp.on CAMAC in Real-Time Computer Applications. Luxembourg, December 4-6, 1973 CAMAC Bulletin, Iss.9, Suppl.(1974)
Results of Measurements Relating to the Population Dose Kiefer, H.; Koelzer, W.; Staeblein, G. 1974. IAEA-Seminar on Radiological Safety Evaluation of Population Doses and Application of Radiological Safety Standards to Man and the Environment, Portoroz, Yug., May 20-24, 1974 AED-CONF-74-186-002
Population Dose Considerations for the Release of Tritium, Noble Gases and Iodine-131 at a Special Region Bayer, A.; Krishnamurthi, T. N.; Schueckler, M. 1974. Population Dose Evaluation and Standards for Man and His Environment. Proc.of the Seminar on Radiological Safety Evaluation of Population Doses and Application of Radiological Safety Standards to Man and the Environment, Portoroz, May 20-24, 1974. Vienna: IAEA 1974. (IAEA-STI/PUB/375.) (IAEA-SM-184/1) AED-CONF-74-186-001
Ionenimplantation in Metalleinkristalle Linker, G. 1974. Arbeitsseminar Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Ionenimplantation in Halbleiter und andere Materialien, Muenchen, 24.-25.April 1974 AED-CONF-74-151-003
Report on the ERA Research at Karlsruhe Krauth, H.; Dustmann, C. H.; Heinz, W.; Steinbock, L.; Zernial, W. 1974. 9.Internat.Conf. on High Energy Accelerators, Stanford, Calif., May 2-7, 1974 AED-CONF-74-324-002
Energy Systems Haefele, W. 1974. VDI-Tagung Energieumwandlung in thermischen Kraftwerken, Duesseldorf, 8.-10.Oktober 1973 International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin, 16(1974) No 1/2
Comparison of Integrated Systems for CAD Schlechtendahl, E. G. 1974. Internat.Conference: Computer Aided Design, Univ. of Southampton, April 8-11, 1974. (London 1974: Colmore Pr. IEE-Conference Publication No 111.)
Die Kernenergie in der technischen Welt der Zukunft Haefele, W. 1974. Dokumentation der 1.internationalen Tagung fuer Kernenergierecht: Nuclear Interjura ’73, Karlsruhe, 11.-14.September 1973. Karlsruhe 1973: Ges.f.Kernforschung
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Diffusion von Uran und Plutonium in UC, U₂C₃ und UC₂ Matzke, H.; Politis, C. 1974. Reaktortagung, Berlin, 2.-5.April 1974, Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Kerntechnische Dt.Atomforum e.V. Leopoldshafen 1974: ZAED