Analysis of the energy correlations CELLO Collaboration 1981. Internat.Symp.on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Bonn, August 24-29, 1981
Materialfragen zur Sicherheit von Leichtwasserreaktoren Bocek, M.; Dienst, W.; Hofmann, P.; Leistikow, S. 1981. Zusammenhang mit der Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Metallkunde e.V., Baden-Baden, 9.-12.Juni 1981
Ra-226, Pb-210 und Po-210 im Schwarzwald Schuettelkopf, H.; Kiefer, H. 1981. 4.Fachgespraech ’Ueberwachung der Umweltradioaktivitaet’, Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH, Neuherberg, 10.-12.Maerz 1981
Environmental monitoring of nuclear facilities Koelzer, W. 1981. 1st German-Yugoslav Seminar on Nuclear Reactor Safety and Radiation Protection, Institute Boris Kidric, Vinca, YU, May 27-28, 1981
Photochemical valence isomerization of 9-tert-butylanthracene Guesten, H.; Mintas, M.; Klasinc, L. 1981. 7th Meeting of Chemists of Croatia and 2nd Yugoslav Symp.on Organic Chemistry, Zagreb, YU, February 17-20, 1981 [Book of] Abstracts Zagreb: 1981
Turbulent wind flow over an embarkment Hauf, T.; Neumann, G. 1981. Vortr.: Internat.Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Hamburg, 27.August 1981
Die Entstehung von Grosstechnologien und ihre gesellschaftlichen Folgen Frederichs, G. 1981. Polish-German Seminar: The Problems of Social Acceptance of Great Technologies and Their Influence on Programing of Development of Energy Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warszawa, PL, March 23-29, 1981
Technische Risiken als Gegenstand der Forschung Frederichs, G. 1981. Polish-German Seminar: The Problems of Social Acceptance of Great Technologies and Their Influence on Programing of Development of Energy Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warszawa, PL, March 23-29, 1981
Zur These vom Wertwandel in westlichen Industriegesellschaften Bechmann, G.; Berg, I. von; Frederichs, G. 1981. Polish-German Seminar: The Problems of Social Acceptance of Great Technologies and Their Influence on Programing of Development of Energy Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warszawa, PL, March 23-29, 1981
Ursachen und Entwicklung der Kernenergieopposition in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bechmann, G. 1981. Polish-German Seminar: The Problems of Social Acceptance of Great Technologies and Their Influence on Programing of Development of Energy Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warszawa, PL, March 23-29, 1981
Probleme der Verwissenschaftlichung der Politik und die Rolle der Experten Bechmann, G. 1981. Polish-German Seminar: The Problems of Social Acceptance of Great Technologies and Their Influence on Programing of Development of Energy Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warszawa, PL, March 23-29, 1981
Radionuklidtechnik im Maschinenbau Fehsenfeld, P.; Moeller, H. 1981. 1.Praesentation des BMFT-Foerderprogrammes ueber Tribologie: Reibung, Verschleiss, Messung ’81, Koblenz, 12.-14.Mai 1981. Poster
Evidence of a fission like mechanism in the ⁶Li+⁴⁰Ca reaction Buschmann, J.; Freindl, L.; Gils, H. J.; Grotowski, K.; Klewe-Nebenius, H.; Majka, Z.; Micek, S.; Neumann, B.; Planeta, R.; Rebel, H.; Zagromski, S. 1981. Europhysics Conf.on Nuclear and Atomic Physics with Heavy Ions, Bucuresti, R, June 9-12, 1981
Differential cross section and analysing power measurements of the pp-->π⁺d reaction Hoftiezer, J.; Weddigen, C.; Favier, B.; Jaccard, S.; Walden, P.; Chatelain, P.; Foroughi, F.; Nussbaum, C.; Piffaretti, J. 1981. 9eme Conference Internationale sur la Physique a Haute Energie et la Structure Nucleaire(ICOHEPANS-9), Versailles, F, Juillet 6-10, 1981
Nuclear structure information in dissipative collisions Dakowski, M.; Doll, P.; Gobbi, A.; Lynen, U.; Olmi, A.; Rudolf, G.; Sann, H.; Bock, R. 1981. Internat.Symp.on Continuum Spectra of Heavy Ion Reactions, San Antonio, Tex., December 3-5, 1979
Collective effects in ¹²C induced reactions at 86 MeV/u Chu, Y.; Doll, P.; Gobbi, A.; Hildenbrand, K.; Ho, H.; Kuehn, W.; Loehner, H.; Lynen, U.; Mueller, W.; Olmi, A.; Pelte, D.; Sann, H.; Santo, R.; Winkler, U. 1981. Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Nuclear Physics. Berkeley, Calif., August 24-30, 1980. (Abstract) LBL-11118
Crystal growth of pyridine derivates Ohms, U.; Treutmann, W.; Lessmann, N.; Heger, G. 1981. 3-Laender-Kristallzucht-Konferenz, Noordwijkerhout, NL, 6.-8.Mai 1981
⁶¹Ni Moessbauer spectroscopy in amorphous alloys Oestreich, V.; Schmidt, H.; Goetz, F.; Czjzek, G.; Sostarich, M.; Dey, S.; Deppe, P.; Rosenberg, M.; Luborsky, F. E.; Coey, J. M. D.; Lienard, A.; Rebouillat, J. P. 1981. Internat.Conf.on Amorphous Systems Investigated by Nuclear Methods, Balatonfuered, H, August 31 - September 4, 1981 Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 199(1982) (Abstract)
⁶Li break-up reactions at 26 MeV/nucleon Neumann, B.; Rebel, H.; Gils, H. J.; Klewe-Nebenius, H.; Planeta, R.; Shyam, R. 1981. Europhysics Conf.on Nuclear and Atomic Physics with Heavy Ions, Bucuresti, R, June 9-12, 1981
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