Transuranic wastes: summary and trends Krause, H. 1983. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Wash., April, 1982 Columbus, Ohio[usw.]: Battelle Pr., 1982 S.676-77 Blasewitz, A.G. [Hrsg.] The Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes : Selected Papers the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Richland, Wash., April 19-22, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [u.a.] : Batelle Pr., 1983. - S.637-38
Die Expertenbefragung in der SNR-Studie und ihre probabilistische Auswertung Hofer, E.; Loeffler, H.; Javeri, V.; Struwe, D. 1983. Stand der Risikountersuchungen bei Kernkraftwerken: Vortr.d.gleichnamigen GRS-Fachgespraechs, Koeln, 3.-4.November 1982 Essen: Vulkan Verl., 1983. - (Vortragsveroeffentlichungen / Haus der Technik ; H.461), 38–56
Condensed jet technology for internal targets. Invited paper Gspann, J. 1983. Use of Electron Rings for Nuclear Physics Research in the Intermediate Energy Region: Workshop Proc., Lund, S, October 5-7, 1982 Lund: Universitaet Lund, 1983. - Vol.1, 85–103
Neutron cross section evaluation for ²⁴¹Am, ²⁴²supramAm, ²⁴³Am and ²⁴⁴Cm Froehner, F. H.; Goel, B.; Fischer, U.; Jahn, H. 1983. Boeckhoff, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Antwerpen, B, September 6-10, 1982 Dordrecht : Reidel, 1983. -, 211–14
Instrumental developments in high-resolution neutron measurements. Invited paper Cierjacks, S. 1983. Oblozinsky, P. [Hrsg.] Neutron Induced Reactions: Proc.of the Europhysics Topical Conf., Smolenice, CS, June 21-25, 1982 Bratislava: Inst.of Physics, 1982.- (Physics and Applications; Vol. 10) KfK-3447B (Juni 82), 423–44
Differential neutron production cross sections for 590 MeV protons Cierjacks, S.; Hino, Y.; Howe, S. D.; Raupp, F.; Buth, L. 1983. Boeckhoff, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Data for Science and Technology: Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Antwerpen, B, September 6-10, 1982 Dordrecht[u.a.] : Reidel Publ.Co. 1983, 383–86
CABRI project - recent progress and present status Dadillon, J.; Kussmaul, G.; Agaisse, R.; Augier, G.; Bensoussan, P.; Butement, A. W.; Fabrega, S.; Haessler, M.; Hoppe, P.; Mitsuki, S.; Philipponneau, Y.; Rongier, P.; Steinbock, L.; Wolff, J. 1983. LMFBR Safety: Proc.of the Topical Meeting, Lyon, F, July 19-23, 1982 Brussels: ENS 1983.- Vol. 2, 177–90
A comprehensive fuel nuclide analysis at the reprocessing input Arenz, H. J.; Koch, L.; Schoof, S. 1983. Nuclear Safeguards Technology 1982 Proc.of an Internat.Symp.on Recent Advances in Nuclear Material Safeguards, held in Wien, A, November 8-12, 1982 Wien: IAEA 1983 Vol.II (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/629) IAEA-SM-260/50, 409–20
Uranium enrichment by the separation nozzle process Becker, E. W.; Bier, W.; Bley, P.; Ehrfeld, W.; Schubert, K.; Seidel, D. 1983. Nuclear Power Experience: Proc.of an Internat.Conf., Wien, A, Sept.13-17, 1982 Wien: IAEA, 1983.- Vol.3 (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/627) Zugl.: IAEA-CN-42/382, 513–25
In-situ solidification of low and medium level wastes Kraemer, R.; Kroebel, R. 1983. Lutze, W. [Hrsg.] Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management: Proc.of Materials Research Society 5th Internat.Symp., Berlin, June 7-10, 1982.- New York, NY: North Holland, 1982 (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings; 11), 849–58
Recent activities of the CABRI hodoscope Helmick, H. H.; Baumung, K.; Boehnel, K. 1983. LMFBR Safety: Proc.of the Topical Meeting, Lyon, F, July 19-23, 1982 Brussels: ENS 1983.- Vol. 4, 543–52
Manufacturing of the European LCT-Coil for the Large Coil Task Krauth, H.; Nyilas, A.; Ulbricht, A.; Albrecht, C.; Salzburger, H. 1983. Fusion Technology 1982: Proc.of the 12th Symp., Juelich, September 13-17, 1982.- 1.ed. Oxford[u.a.]: Pergamon Pr., 1983.-, 1095–1100
Toroidal field coils for the International Tokamak Reactor Study INTOR Dittrich, H.; Erb, J.; Fluekiger, R.; Hilal, M.; Jeske, U.; Nyilas, A.; Ries, G. 1983. Fusion Technology 1982: Proc.of the 12th Symp., Juelich, September 13-17, 1982.- 1.ed. Oxford[u.a.]: Pergamon Pr., 1983.-, 1021–26
Design and construction of a reliable microcomputer-based LMFBR protection system Schriefer, D.; Voges, U.; Weber, G. 1983. Nuclear Power Plant Control and Instrumentation : Proc.of an Internat.Workshop, Muenchen, October 11-15, 1982 Vienna : IAEA, 1983. - (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/628) Zugl.: IAEA-SM-265, 355–66
Developments in two-phase mass flow rate instrumentation Reimann, J. 1983. Kakac, S. [Hrsg.] Advances in Two Phase FLow and Heat Transfer : Fundamentals and Applications; Proc.of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Spitzingsee, August 31 - September 3, 1982 Boston[u.a.] : Nijhoff, 1983. -, 338–402
Production of fission molybdenum on a technical scale at the nuclear research center Karlsruhe Sameh, A. A.; Konrad, J.; Ache, H. J. 1983. Internat.Symp.on Applications and Technology of Ionizing Radiations, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 12-17, 1982 Riyadh: King Saud Univ.1982. S.162-65 Applications and Technology of Ionizing Radiations : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Riyadh, SA, March 12-17, 1982 Riyadh : King Saud Univ.Libraries, 1983. - S.957-62
Long-term-corrosion behaviour of metallic drums for low and medium level waste forms Hauser, W.; Smailos, E.; Koester, R. 1983. Conditioning of Radioactive Wastes for Storage and Disposal: Proc.of an Internat.Symp., Utrecht, NL, June 21-25, 1982 Wien: IAEA, 1983.- (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/624) Zugl.: IAEA-SM-261/19, 283–92
Systematic software verification Voges, U. 1983. Computer Systems for Safety and Control: Transcript from a Two-Day Course’, London, GB, September 22-23, 1982 London : Oyez Scientific and Technical Services Ltd, 1983. -, 121–25
Software debugging and testing Voges, U. 1983. Computer Systems for Safety and Control: Transcript from a Two-Day Course’, London, GB, September 22-23, 1982 London : Oyez Scientific and Technical Services Ltd, 1983. -, 43–50
Software fault tolerance and redundant programming Voges, U. 1983. Computer Systems for Safety and Control: Transcript from a Two-Day Course’, London, GB, September 22-23, 1982 London : Oyez Scientific and Technical Services Ltd, 1983. Vol. 1. -, 31–41
Microstructures and crystallization in simulated waste glasses Skokan, A.; Schauer, V. 1983. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Wash., April, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [usw.]: Battelle Pr., 1982 S.218-23 Blasewitz, A.G. [Hrsg.] The Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes : Selected Papers the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Richland, Wash., April 19-22, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [u.a.] : Batelle Pr., 1983. - S.202-17
The potential capability of near real-time materials accountancy Sellinschegg, D. 1983. Nuclear Power Experience: Proc.of an Internat.Conf., Wien, A, Sept. 13-17, 1982 Wien: IAEA, 1983.- Vol.5 (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/627) Zugl.: IAEA-CN-42/392, 453–61
High-level waste vitrification technique in a full-scale pilot plant Weisenburger, S. 1983. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Wash., April, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [usw.]: Battelle Pr., 1982 S.190-96 Blasewitz, A.G. [Hrsg.] The Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes : Selected Papers the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Richland, Wash., April 19-22, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [u.a.] : Batelle Pr., 1983. - S.184-90
Thermomechanical in-situ experiments and finite element computations Pudewills, A.; Mueller, R.; Korthaus, E.; Koester, R. 1983. Lutze, W. [Hrsg.] Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management: Proc. of Materials Research Society 5th Internat.Symp., Berlin, June 7-10, 1982 New York, NY: North-Holland, 1982.- (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings; 11), 477–86
Toughness and fatigue properties of austenitic steels at cryogenic temperature and their application in complex structures Krauth, H.; Nyilas, A. 1983. Reed, R.P. [Hrsg.] Austenitic Steels at Low Temperatures: Proc.of the Joint.Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf.and Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf., Kobe, JP, May 11-14, 1982 New York, NY [u.a.] : Plenum Pr., 1983. - S.159-70 Tachikawa, K. [Hrsg.] Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf.: Proc., Kobe, J, May 11-14, 1982. - ICMC London : Butterwoths, 1983. - S.116-19
Neutron small angle and diffuse scattering Schmatz, W. 1983. Schofield, P. [Hrsg.] The Neutron and its Applications, 1982. Plenary and Invited Papers from the Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Neutron held at Cambridge, GB, September 13-17, 1982 Bristol[usw.]: The Institute of Physics 1983 (The Institute of Physics Conference Series; No 64), 301–04
SSYST, a code-system for analysing transient LWR fuel rod behaviour under off-normal conditions Borgwaldt, H.; Gulden, W. 1983. Fuel Element Performance Computer Modelling: Specialists’ Meeting, Preston, GB, March 15-19, 1982 IAEA-IWGFPT-13(1983) S.639-58 KfK-3359 (Juni 82) Gittus, J. [Hrsg.] Water Reactor Fuel Element Performance Computer Modelling Barking: Applied Science Publ., 1983. - S.663-85
Heat transfer in particulate beds Barleon, L.; Werle, H.; Lipinski, R. J. 1983. LMFBR Safety: Proc.of the Topical Meeting, Lyon, F, July 19-23, 1982 Brussels: ENS 1983.- Vol. 3, 337–46
Neuere Analysen des Spaltproduktverhaltens nach einem Kuehlmittelverlust-Stoerfall Lange, F.; Friederichs, H.; Ullrich, W.; Hosemann, J. P. 1983. Atomwirtschaft-Atomtechnik, 27(1982) S.82-88 Fortschritte in der Sicherheitsbeurteilung von Kernkraftwerken : Vortr.d.5.GRS-Fachgespraeches, Muenchen, 22.-23.Oktober 1981 Essen : Vulkan-Verl., 1982.- S.38-45 (Vortragsveroeffentlichungen/Haus der Technik; H.456)
Factors to be taken into account in the selection and application of a processing system for TRU-waste Krause, H. 1983. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes,Richland, Wash., April, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [usw.]: Battelle Pr., 1982 S.353-56 Blasewitz, A.G. [Hrsg.] The Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes : Selected Papers the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Richland, Wash., April 19-22, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [u.a.] : Batelle Pr., 1983. - S.343-46
Investigations of the treatment of alpha-contaminated wastes at the Karlsruhe nuclear research center Krause, H. 1983. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Wash., April, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [usw.]: Battelle Pr., 1982 S.282-91 Blasewitz, A.G. [Hrsg.] The Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes : Selected Papers the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Richland, Wash., April 19-22, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [u.a.] : Batelle Pr., 1983. - S.276-80
Development and technical implementation of the separation nozzle process for enrichment of uranium-235 Becker, E. W.; Bier, W.; Bley, P.; Ehrfeld, W.; Schubert, K.; Seidel, D. 1983. KfK-3310 (Maerz 82) Merriman, J.R. [Hrsg.] Recent Developments in Uranium Enrichment: Papers from a the 1982 AICHE Winter Meeting, Orlando, Fla., February 28 - March 3, 1982 New York, NY: AICHE, 1982.- (AICHE Symposium Series; Vol.78, No 221), 49–60
Nuclear power plant: West German management of risk - a problem analysis Paschen, H.; Bechmann, G.; Frederichs, G. 1983. Covello, V. T. [Hrsg.] Proc.of an Internat.Workshop on the Analysis of Actual Versus Perceived Risks, Washington, D.C., June 1-3, 1981 New York, NY: Plenum Pr., 1983. -, 81–99
Hot pressing and properties of different Si₃N₄ qualities Grathwohl, G.; Hanna, S. B.; Thuemmler, F. 1983. Kolar, D. [Hrsg.] Sintering-theory and practice: Proc.of the 5th Internat.Round Table Conf., Portoroz, YU, September 7-10, 1981 Amsterdam[u.a.]: Elsevier, 1982.- (Materials Science Monographs; 14), 597–604
Irradiation creep in austenitic stainless steels Ehrlich, K. 1983. Mechanical Behaviour and Nuclear Applications of Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Varese, I, May 20-22, 1981 London: Metals Soc., 1982. -, 149–56
HIBALL: a conceptual design study on a commercial size heavy ion beam fusion electrical power plant Bock, R.; Boehne, D.; Hofmann, I.; Kessler, G.; Kulcinski, G. L.; Meyer-Ter-Vehn, J.; Moellendorff, U. von; Moses, G. A.; Mueller, R. W.; Sviatoslavsky, I. N.; Vogelsang, W. F. 1983. Fusion Reactor Design and Technology : Proc.of the 3rd Technical Committee Meeting and Workshop, Tokyo, JP, October 5-16, 1981 Vienna: IAEA, 1983. - Vol. I, 497–514
Planungssysteme und Entscheidungsprozesse Hermann, H. 1983. Internationaler Strukturvergleich von Forschungszentren - Finanzmanagement in Forschung und Entwicklung : 2. Symp., Hamburg, 1.-4.Juni, 1981 Wien: Oesterreich.Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf, 1981.- S.89-116 (deutsch) S.117-48 (englisch)
Compounds of technetium Keller, C.; Alleluia, I. B. de; Peacock, R. D.; Schwochau, K. 1983. Kugler, H.K.; Keller, C. [Hrsg.] Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. - 8.Aufl. - System-Nr.69. Tc; Technetium. - Suppl.Vol.2. Metal; alloys; compounds; chemistry in solution Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983. -, 40–77
Photochemistry of uranium Guesten, H. 1983. Buschbeck, K.C.; Keller, C. [Hrsg.] Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. - 8.Aufl. - System-Nr.55. U; Uranium. - Suppl.Vol.A,6. General properties; criticality Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983. -, 80–117
Cation exchange of uranium Schoen, J.; Haug, H. O. 1983. Keim, R.; Keller, C. [Hrsg.] Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. - 8.Aufl. - System-Nr.55. U; Uranium. - Suppl.Vol.D,4. Cation exchange and chromatography of uranium Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983. -, 1–149
General properties of the uranium atom and uranium ions Kanellakopulos, B. 1983. Buschbeck, K.C.; Keller, C. [Hrsg.] Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. - 8.Aufl. - System-Nr.55. U; Uranium. - Suppl.Vol.A,6. General properties; criticality Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983. -, 1–30
Ion exchange of uranium on chelate-forming resins Haug, H. O.; Schoen, J. 1983. Keim, R.; Keller, C. [Hrsg.] Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. - 8.Aufl. - System-Nr.55. U; Uranium. - Suppl.Vol.D,4. Cation exchange and chromatography of uranium Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983. -, 175–204
Ion exchange of uranium on inorganic materials Haug, H. O. 1983. Keim, R.; Keller, C. [Hrsg.] Gmelins Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. - 8.Aufl. - System-Nr.55. U; Uranium. - Suppl.Vol.D,4. Cation exchange and chromatography of uranium Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983. -, 150–74
Chemical and radiolytic solvent degradation in the PUREX process Stieglitz, L.; Becker, R. 1983. Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982, 333–50
Computer-simulation of the PUREX process Petrich, G. 1983. Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982, 317–32
Comparison of waste arising in fast breeder reactor and light water reactor cycles Haug, H. O. 1983. Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982, 257–72
Analytical inline instruments in a reprocessing facility Groll, P.; Roemer, J. 1983. Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982, 245–56
Analytical process control in reprocessing plants Ertel, D. 1983. Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982, 229–43
Some aspects of international safeguards in future large reprocessing facilities Sellinschegg, D. 1983. Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982, 215–28