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Rarefied gas dynamics as related to controlled thermonuclear fusion Moser, H. O. 1986. Belotserkovskii, O.M. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Selected Papers from the 13th Internat.Symp., July 3-9, 1982, Novosibirsk, SU New York, NY [u.a.] Plenum Pr., 1985. - Vol. 2. -
Cesium vapor jet-target produced with a supersonic nozzle Athanasiou, A.; Hagena, O. F. 1986. Belotserkovskii, O.M. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Selected Papers from the 13th Internat.Symp., July 3-9, 1982, Novosibirsk, SU New York, NY [u.a.] Plenum Pr., 1985. - Vol. 2. -
Free molecule drag on helium clusters Gspann, J. 1986. Belotserkovskii, O.M. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Selected Papers from the 13th Internat.Symp., July 3-9, 1982, Novosibirsk, SU New York, NY [u.a.] Plenum Pr., 1985. - Vol. 2. -, 1187–93
Rarefied gas dynamics as related to controlled thermonuclear fusion Moser, H. O. 1986. Belotserkovskii, O.M. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Selected Papers from the 13th Internat.Symp., July 3-9, 1982, Novosibirsk, SU New York, NY [u.a.] Plenum Pr., 1985. - Vol. 2. -, 1389–1404
Cesium vapor jet-target produced with a supersonic nozzle Athanasiou, A.; Hagena, O. F. 1986. Belotserkovskii, O.M. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics : Selected Papers from the 13th Internat.Symp., July 3-9, 1982, Novosibirsk, SU New York, NY [u.a.] Plenum Pr., 1985. - Vol. 2. -, 777–85