Electron cooling experiments in the ICE storage ring at CERN Moeller-Petersen, P.; Bell, M.; Chaney, I.; Cittolin, S.; Herr, H.; Koziol, H.; Krienen, F.; Lebee, G.; Petrucci, G.; Poth, H.; Sherwood, T.; Stefanini, G.; Taylor, G.; Tecchio, L.; Rubbia, C.; Meer, S. van der; Wikberg, T. 1980. 5th European Symp.on Nucleon-Antinucleon Interactions, Brixen, I, June 23-28, 1980
Two mechanisms of antirestriction Spoerel, N.; Litfin, F.; Herrlich, P. 1980. EMBO Workshop on Protein-DNA Interactions in Bacteriophages. Salamanca, E, June 30 - July 5, 1980
⁸¹Rb production at the Karlsruhe Cyclotron Kernert, N.; Peters, J.; Sheikh, S. A. 1980. 17th European Cyclotron Progress Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 26-27, 1980. Poster Session
Different DNA repair capacity in various differentiated cells Rahmsdorf, H. J.; Ponta, H.; Mallick, U.; Weibezahn, K. F.; Herrlich, P. 1980. 2nd Internat.Congress on Cell Biology, Berlin, August 31 - September 5, 1980. European Journal of Cell Biology, 22(1980) No 1, (Abstract)
Rejoining kinetics of DNA double strand breaks in mammalian cells Weibezahn, K. F.; Coquerelle, T. 1980. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiation Biology, Rotterdam, NL, August 25-29, 1980 Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 17(1980) (Abstract)
⁶Li-break-up-reactions at 26 MeV/nucleon Neumann, B.; Rebel, H.; Klewe-Nebenius, H.; Gils, H. J. 1980. Vortr.: Study Weekend, ’Topics in Heavy Ion Reactions’, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, GB, October 4-5, 1980
Development of new methods for the reduction of UF₆ Adelhelm, M.; Bacher, W.; Becker, F. S.; Gerster, H.; Hoehn, E. G.; Jacob, E. 1980. 7th European Symp.on Fluorine Chemistry, Venezia, I, September 15-19, 1980
On the production of antideuterons Pilkuhn, H.; Poth, H. 1980. 5th European Symp.on Nucleon-Antinucleon Interactions, Brixen, I, June 23-28, 1980
Analysing power of the elastic N-³He scattering Klages, H. O.; Dobiasch, H.; Fischer, R.; Haesner, B.; Heeringa, W.; Schwarz, P.; Wilczynski, J.; Zeitnitz, B. 1980. 5th Internat.Symp.on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Santa Fe, N.M., August 11-15, 1980
Wichtige Merkmale der Pulvermetallurgie Thuemmler, F. 1980. Vortr.: Seminar ’Material- und Energieeinsparung durch moderne Verfahren der Pulvermetallurgie’, Haus der Technik, Essen, 17.-18. Maerz 1980