The shut-down-systems of KNK and SNR 300 Glinsky, H. W.; Mehren, F.; Voj, P.; Hoffmann, H.; Marten, K. 1978. Internat.Symp.on Design, Construction, and Operating Experience with Demonstration Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors, Bologna, April 10-14, 1978 IAEA-SM-225/28
KNK II - construction and aseismic design Marth, W.; Andrae, H.; Busch, K. A.; Guthmann, E.; Hendl, G. 1978. Internat.Symp.on Design, Construction and Operating Experience of Demonstration Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors, Bologna, I, April 10-14, 1978 Wien : IAEA, 1978
Discrepancies in thermal cross sections for Am²⁴¹ Goel, B. 1978. Specialists’ Meeting on Nuclear Data of Plutonium and Americium Isotopes for Reactor Application, Brookhaven National Laboratory, November 20-21, 1978 BNL-50991; zugl.NEANDC-L-116 (May 79)
Magnetic interactions in Pr:Eu alloys Goetz, F.; Fink, J.; Schmidt, H.; Czjzek, G.; Fulde, P. 1978. La Physique des Terres Rares a l’Etat Metallique. Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, France, September 4-7, 1978. Paris: Ed.du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1979. (Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. No 288) Zugl.: Journal de Physique, Colloque C-5, 40(1979) /21
A possible renewal of D₂O-moderated research reactors Buth, L.; Heinzel, V.; Kuechle, M. 1978. Internat.Atomic Energy Agency. Advisory Group Meeting on Research Reactor Renewal and Upgrading Programmes, Vienna, May 23-26, 1978 IAEA-214 (1978)
Possible evidence for quasinuclear bound states of the antiproton proton system Suffert, M.; Backenstoss, G.; Bluem, P.; Fransson, K.; Guigas, R.; Izycki, M.; Koch, H.; Pavlopoulos, P.; Poth, H.; Tauscher, L.; Zioutas, K. 1978. Internat.Conf.on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, September 5-10, 1977 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 44(1978) Suppl
Quantitative microstructural analysis, stereology and properties of materials Ondracek, G. 1978. Quantitative analysis of microstructures in materials science, biology and medicine. 2.European symp. Proc. Caen, France, Oct.4-7, 1977. Ed.: J.L.Chermant. Stuttgart: Riederer 1978. Praktische Metallographie Sonderbd 8
The influence of oxide coatings on the ductility of Zircaloy-4 Bocek, M.; Petersen, C. 1978. Joint Meeting of the American Nuclear Society and the Atomic Industrial Forum, Washington, D.C., USA, November 12-17, 1978 Journal of Nuclear Materials, 80(1979)
Numerical methods used in the two-dimensional neutron diffusion program DIXY Hoebel, W. 1978. Schumann, U.[Hrsg.]: Computers, Fast Elliptic Solvers and Applications. Proc.of the GAMM-Workshop on Fast Solution Methods for the Discretized Poisson Equation. Karlsruhe, March 3-4, 1977. [London:] Advance Publ. 1978
On fast direct methods for the solution of discretized elliptic equations Schumann, U. 1978. Schumann, U.[Hrsg.]: Computers, Fast Elliptic Solvers and Applications. Proc.of the GAMM-Workshop on Fast Solution Methods for the Discretized Poisson Equation. Karlsruhe, March 3-4, 1977. [London:] Advance Publ.1978
Methoden der Zuverlaessigkeitsanalyse und -sicherung bei Hardware und Software Weber, G.; Gmeiner, L.; Voges, U. 1978. NTG-GI Diskussionssitzung: Zuverlaessigkeit von Rechensystemen, Karlsruhe, 28.-29.September 1978. Fachberichte u.Referate/Lectures and Tutorials, Bd 9: Zuverlaessigkeit von Rechensystemen. Muenchen,Wien: R.Oldenbourg Verl. 1979
DISCO: a distributed database architecture based on logical files Holler, E.; Breitwieser, H.; Drobnik, O.; Keil, C.; Kersten, U. 1978. Schindler, S., Schroeder, C.W.[Hrsg.]: GI-Workshop Rechnernetze und Datenfernverarbeitung. Tagungsband. TU Berlin, 5.-6.Oktober 1978. Berlin: TU 1978
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the lower atmosphere of Karlsruhe Guesten, H.; Heinrich, G. 1978. Jones, P.W.; Leber, P.[Hrsg.]: Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. 3.Int.Symp.on chemistry and biology - Carcinogenesis and metagenesis. Columbus, Ohio, October 25-27, 1978. Ann Arbor,Mich: Ann Arbor Science Publ.1979
Einsatz von Sandbettfiltern in Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen Jordan, S. 1978. Kerntechnische Gesellschaft im DAtF, KTG-Fachgruppe ’Reaktorsicherheit’. Sicherheit von Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen. Fortbildungsseminar. Koeln, 22.-23.Februar 1978. Referate. Bonn: Deutschen Atomforum 1978
Abgasfilterung bei Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen Wilhelm, J. G.; Ammon, R. von; Furrer, J. 1978. Kerntechnische Gesellschaft im DAtF, KTG-Fachgruppe ’Reaktorsicherheit’. Sicherheit von Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen. Fortbildungsseminar. Koeln, 22.-23.Februar 1978. Referate. Bonn: Deutschen Atomforum 1978
Non-isotropic eddy viscosities in turbulent flow through rod bundles Rehme, K. 1978. NATO Advancd Study Institute on Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Rod Bundles, Istanbul, Turkey, July 20 - August 2, 1978 Kakac, S.; Spalding, D.B.[Hrsg.]: Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Bundles. Theory and Applications to Heat Exchangers and Nuclear Reactors. New York,N.Y.[u.a.]: Hemisphere Publ.1979. Vol.1
Forced convection heat transfer in a rod bundle - A comparison between predictions and experimental results Martelli, A.; Rehme, K. 1978. NATO Advancd Study Institute on Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Rod Bundles, Istanbul, Turkey, July 20 - August 2, 1978 Kakac, S.; Spalding, D.B.[Hrsg.]: Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Bundles. Theory and Applications to Heat Exchangers and Nuclear Reactors. New York,N.Y.[u.a.]: Hemisphere Publ.1979. Vol.2
Convective heat transfer from rough surfaces Dalle Donne, M. 1978. NATO Advanc d Study Institute on Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Rod Bundles, Istanbul, Turkey, July 20 - August 2, 1978 Kakac, S.; Spalding, D.B.[Hrsg.]: Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Bundles. Theory and Applications to Heat Exchangers and Nuclear Reactors. New York,N.Y.[u.a.]: Hemisphere Publ.1979. Vol.2
Narrow bound states from the antiproton proton system Tauscher, L.; Backenstoss, G.; Bluem, P.; Fransson, K.; Guigas, R.; Hassler, N.; Izycki, M.; Koch, H.; Nilsson, A.; Pavlopoulos, P.; Poth, H.; Suffert, M.; Zioutas, K. 1978. 4.European Antiproton Symp., Barr, France, June 26-30, 1978. Proc. Vol.1
Ion implantation in superconductors Meyer, O. 1978. NATO Advanced Study Institute: The Physics and Applications of Ion Beam Interactions with Solids, Albany, N.Y., July 24 - August 5, 1978 Gyulai, J., Lohner, T., Pasztor, E.[Hrsg.]: Internat.Conf.on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Budapest, September 4-8, 1978. Proc. Budapest: KFKI 1978. Vol.3
Diffusion measurement of implanted Sb into Si, using SiO₂ encapsulation Kotai, E.; Nagy, T.; Meyer, O.; Gyulai, J.; Revesz, P.; Mezey, G.; Lohner, T.; Manuaba, A. 1978. Gyulai, J., Lohner, T., Pasztor, E.[Hrsg.]: Internat.Conf.on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Budapest, September 4-8, 1978. Proc. Budapest: KFKI 1978. Vol.1
An investigation of amorphous Gd-Ni alloys by Moessbauer spectroscopy Czjzek, G.; Fink, J.; Goetz, F.; Schmidt, H.; Rebouillat, J. P.; Lienard, A.; Coey, J. M. D. 1978. La Physique des Terres Rares a l’Etat Metallique. Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, France, September 4-7, 1978. Paris: Ed.du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1979. (Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. No 288) Zugl.: Journal de Physique, Colloque C-5, 40(1979)
The calculation of the superconducting transition temperature of thorium Winter, H. 1978. Lee, M.J.G.; Perz, J.M.[Hrsg.]: Transition Metals. Invited and Contrib.Papers from the Internat.Conf., Toronto,Canada, August 15-19, 1977. Bristol[usw.]: Inst.of Physics 1978. (The Institute of Physics. Conference Series. 39)
Choice between river quality models of different degrees of complexity Stehfest, H. 1978. International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Association Internationale des Sciences Hydrologiques. Modelling the Water Quality of the Hydrological Cycle. Proc.of the Baden Symp.Baden, Austria, September 11-15, 1978. Washington,D.C.: Internat.Association of Hydrological Sciences 1978. (IAHS-AISH Publication No 125)
Phonon density of states of molybdenum chalcogenides Schweiss, P.; Renker, B.; Suck, J. B. 1978. 15.Internat.Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, Grenoble, August 23-29, 1978 Journal de Physique, Colloque, 39(1978) C6, Vol.1
Counter techniques for highly radioactive samples Kaeppeler, F. 1978. Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data for Reactors and other Applied Purposes. Proc.of an Internat.Conf., Harwell, UK, September 25-29, 1978. Paris: OECD 1978
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