Emittance growth of high current beams in transport lines Bongard, K. 1983. Proc.of the 1983 Particle Accelerator Conf., Accelerator Engineering and Technology, Santa Fe, N.M., March 21-23, 1983 Part I IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 30(1983)
Operation of a superconducting accelerating cavity in PETRA Bauer, W.; Brandelik, A.; Citron, A.; Graf, F.; Szecsi, L.; Proch, D. 1983. Proc.of the 1983 Particle Accelerator Conf., Accelerator Engineering and Technology, Santa Fe, N.M., March 21-23, 1983 Part II IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 30(1983)
The materials balance - scientific fundamentals for the quality assurance of vitrified waste Schiewer, E.; Rabe, H.; Weisenburger, S. 1983. Lutze, W. [Hrsg.] Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management: Proc.of Materials Research Society 5th Internat.Symp., Berlin, June 7-10, 1982 New York, NY: North-Holland, 1982.- (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings; 11)
Determination of Ra-228 by measurement of the Cerenkov radiation of Ac-228 Godoy, J. M.; Schuettelkopf, H. 1983. Martins, L.A. [Hrsg.] Radiological Protection and Dosimetry: Proc., Rio de Janeiro, BR, March 21-26, 1983 / Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria Rio de Janeiro: CNEN, 1983.- S.E.19, 2 Seiten
Pre-operational environmental monitoring of the Angra nuclear power plant site-program and results Mendonca, A. H.; Nobrega, A. W.; Vianna, M. E. C. M.; Mulder, R. U.; Almeida, C. E. de; Winter, M. 1983. Martins, L.A. [Hrsg.] Radiological Protection and Dosimetry: Proc., Rio de Janeiro, BR, March 21-26, 1983 / Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria Rio de Janeiro: CNEN, 1983.- S.E.01, 2 Seiten
Gitterinstabilitaeten und Phasenuebergaenge in Fluorid-Perowskiten Strobel, K.; Rauh, H.; Geick, R.; Lehner, N.; Stirling, W.; Bouillot, J.; Heger, G.; Renker, B. 1983. Nukleare Festkoerperforschung: Bericht ueber das Arbeitstreffen des Verbundes Neutronenstreuung zur Untersuchung kondensierter Materie und Neutronenstreuung und komplementaere Methoden in Chemie und Biologie, Wuerzburg, 3.-4.Maerz, 1981 Wuerzburg
Interactions of plutonium with human saliva in vitro Taylor, D. M. 1983. Broerse, J.J. [Hrsg.] Radiation Research: Proc.of the 7th Internat.Congress, Amsterdam, NL, July 3-8, 1983.- Sessions E Amsterdam: Nijhoff, 1983.- /18
Hyperfine fields and magnetic ordering in YbEu alloys Oestreich, V.; Czjzek, G.; Schmidt, H.; Goetz, F. 1983. Applications of the Moessbauer Effect: Internat.Conf., Jaipur, IND, December 14-18, 1981 Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy: Physical Sciences; Special Vol.; 1982
Radon survey program in German houses Wicke, A.; Urban, M. 1983. Qualite de l’Air: 6e Congres Mondial; Textes des Conf., Paris, F, Mai 16-20, 1983 =Air Quality: 6th World Congress; Proc. Paris: SEPIC, 1983. - Vol. 4
Ligament instability of semi-elliptical surface cracks in plates and pipes Mattheck, C.; Morawietz, P.; Munz, D. 1983. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : SMIRT ; Trans.of the 7th Internat.Conf., Chicago, Ill., August 22-26, 1983 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ.Co., 1983. - Vol.G/F S.G/F.4/6, 305-10
Electronic states in polypyrrole Ritsko, J. J.; Fink, J.; Crecelius, G. 1983. General Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., March 21-25, 1983 Solid State Communications, 46(1983)
Amorphization of niobium layers by phosphorus ion implantation Linker, G. 1983. Biasse, B.; Destefanis, G.; Gaillard, J.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Conf.on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Grenoble, F, September 6-10, 1983 Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 209/210(1983) Part II
Untersuchungen zum Auftreten von ¹³¹I in der Abluft von Siedewassereaktoren Deuber, H.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1983. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 83. Reaktortagung 1983. Berlin, 14.-16. Juni 1983. Kerntechnische Ges.e.V. Deutsches Atomforum e.V. Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik 1983
International status of breeder technology Marth, W. 1983. Fortbildungsseminar ’Grundlagen der Wiederaufarbeitung von Brueterbrennstoffen’ der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Obertraun, A, 15.-21.Februar 1981 Baumgaertner, F.; Ebert, K.; Gelfort, E.; Lieser, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nukleare Entsorgung. Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Internat.Schriftenreihe zur Chemie, Physik und Verfahrenstechnik der nuklearen Entsorgung. Bd. 2 Weinheim [usw.]: Verl.Chemie 1982
Fire and explosion protection of air cleaning systems Dillmann, H. G.; Pasler, H.; Plitt, U. 1983. Proc.of the CSNI Specialists’ Meeting on Interaction of Fire and Explosion with Ventilation Systems in Nuclear Facilities, Los Alamos, N.M., April 25-28, 1983 LA-9911-C, Vol.II
Systematic software testing Voges, U.; Taylor, J. R. 1983. Haase, V.H. [Hrsg.] Computer in der Industrie : Proc.of the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (EWICS), Graz, A, April 6-8, 1983 Wien[u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1983. - (Schriftenreihe der Oesterreichischen Computer-Gesellschaft; 21)
Fracture of stainless steel pipes with circumferential cracks in four-point bending Brueckner, A.; Grunmach, R.; Kneifel, B.; Munz, D.; Thun, G. 1983. Ductile Fracture Test Methods, Proc.of a CSNI Workshop, Paris, F, December 1-2, 1982 Paris: Nuclear Energy Agency, 1983, 4th Nat.Congress on Pressure Vessel and Piping Technology, Portland, Oreg., June 19-24, 1983
Evaluation of HDR cyclic thermal shock tests Blauel, J. G.; Hodulak, L.; Goerner, F.; Mattheck, C.; Munz, D.; Stamm, H. 1983. Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : SMIRT ; Trans.of the 7th Internat.Conf., Chicago, Ill., August 22-26, 1983 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ.Co., 1983. - Vol.G/F S.G/F.7/7, 503-14
The tightrope act of proving effectiveness - some results on CAD Duus, W.; Rader, M. 1983. Warman, E.A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1st Internat. IFIP Conf. on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering CAPE’83, Amsterdam, NL, April 25-28, 1983 Amsterdam[usw.]: North-Holland Publ.Co.1983
Fusion and nonfusion phenomena in the ⁶Li + ⁴⁰Ca reaction at 156 MeV Brzychczyk, J.; Freindl, L.; Grotowski, K.; Majka, Z.; Micek, S.; Planeta, R.; Albinska, M.; Klewe-Nebenius, H.; Gils, H. J.; Rebel, H.; Zagromski, S. 1983. Spring Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Sections of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging, Belgische Natuurkundige Vereniging, Muenster, March 21-25, 1983 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft: Reihe 6; Bd. 18(1983) INP-1200/PL (1982)
Fuel behavior under loss-of-coolant-accident conditions Fiege, A. 1983. 2nd Finnish-German Seminar on Nuclear Safety: Otaniemi, SF, September 29-30, 1982 Espoo: Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, 1983. - (VIT Symposium; 25) KfK-3442B (Januar 83)
Severe fuel damage investigations of KfK/PNS Fiege, A. 1983. 2nd Finnish-German Seminar on Nuclear Safety: Otaniemi, SF, September 29-30, 1982 Espoo: Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, 1983. - (VIT Symposium; 25)