Environmental monitoring of nuclear facilities Winter, M. 1983. Martins, L.A. [Hrsg.] Radiological Protection and Dosimetry: Proc., Rio de Janeiro, BR, March 21-26, 1983 / Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria Rio de Janeiro: CNEN, 1983.-, 5 Seiten
Risk analysis for nuclear power plants Koelzer, W. 1983. Martins, L.A. [Hrsg.] Radiological Protection and Dosimetry: Proc., Rio de Janeiro, BR, March 21-26, 1983 / Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria Rio de Janeiro: CNEN, 1983.-, 4 Seiten
Performance analysis of a distributed real-time system Didic, M.; Kohlhepp, P.; Oberle, R. 1983. Real-time Systems Symp.: Proc., Los Angeles, Calif., December 7-9, 1982 Silver Spring, Md.: IEEE Computer Soc.Press, 1982. -
Alpha radiation induces changes of gene expression Herrlich, P.; Hieber, L.; Luecke-Huhle, C.; Mallick, U. 1983. Biological Effects of Low-Level Radiation : Proc.of an Internat.Symp.on the Effects of Low-Level Radiation with Special Regard to Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Effects, Venezia, I, April 11-15, 1983 Wien : IAEA, 1983. - (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/646)
Modelling and simulation of the PUREX process Petrich, G. 1983. Informatique et Genie chimique: 3e Congres Internat., Paris, F, April 19-21, 1983 Paris: Soc.de Chimique Industrielle, 1983. - Vol.2, /6 (European Federation of Chemical Engineering: EFCE Publ. Series; 27)
Comparison of FEBA test data with RELAP4/MOD6 postcalculations Rust, K.; Ihle, P.; Lee, S. L. 1983. Merilo, M. [Hrsg.] Thermal Hydraulics of Nuclear Reactors: Papers pres.at the 2nd Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Santa Barbara, Calif., January 11-14, 1983 La Grange Park, Ill.: American Nuclear Soc., 1983. - Vol.I
Defect structure in ion irradiated nickel-carbon and nickel-silicon alloys Shoaib, K. A.; Bukhari, S. J. H.; Ehrlich, K. 1983. Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Behaviour of Irradiated Metals and Alloys; Proc.of the Conf.held at Brighton, GB, April 11-13, 1983 London : British Nuclear Energy Society 1983. - Vol. I
A critical heat flux correlation for triangular array rod bundles with tight lattices Dalle Donne, M.; Hame, W. 1983. Merilo, M. [Hrsg.] Thermal Hydraulics of Nuclear Reactors: Papers pres.at the 2nd Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Santa Barbara, Calif., January 11-14, 1983 La Grange Park, Ill.: American Nuclear Soc., 1983. - Vol. I
On the growth of large spherical sodium vapor bubbles in a liquid sodium pool Casadei, F.; Dalle Donne, M. 1983. Merilo, M. [Hrsg.] Thermal Hydraulics of Nuclear Reactors: Papers pres.at the 2nd Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Santa Barbara, Calif., January 11-14, 1983 La Grange Park, Ill.: American Nuclear Soc., 1983. - Vol.II Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : SMIRT ; Trans.of the 7th Internat.Conf., Chicago, Ill., August 22-26, 1983 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ.Co., 1983. - Vol. E S.E.2/7, 103-08
Electron cooling and internal target Poth, H. 1983. Berg, G. P. [Hrsg.] Workshop on Electron Cooling, Bad Honnef, May 27 - 28, 1982 Juel-Spez-159 (1982).1
Resonant emission of secondary electrons Halbritter, J. 1983. 1983 Conf.on Scanning Electron Microscopy, Dearborn, Mich., April 17-22, 1983 Centre d’Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay, F, 8.Februar 1983 Scanning Electron Microscopy, 2(1983)
Technology induced morphogenesis of skills: the case of CAD Riehm, U.; Wingert, B. 1983. Warman, E.A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1st Internat.IFIP Conf.on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering CAPE’83, Amsterdam, NL, April 25-28, 1983 Amsterdam [usw.]: North-Holland Publ.Co. 1983
Nuclear data evaluation for fissile nuclei. Am and Cm isotopes Goel, B.; Froehner, F. H. 1983. Reif, R. [Hrsg.] Heavy Ion Collisions and Nuclear Fission : Proc.of the 12th Internat.Symp.on Nuclear Physics, Gaussig, November 22-26, 1982 ZfK-491(1982)
KNK II - operating experience and fuel cycle activities Marth, W. 1983. Nuclear Power Experience: Proc.of an Internat.Conf., Wien, A, Sept.13-17, 1982 Wien: IAEA, 1983.- Vol.5 (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/627) Zugl.: IAEA-CN-42/379
Aktivitaetsfreisetzung bei schweren Unfaellen des SNR Martens, R.; Mueller, W.; Jordan, S. 1983. Stand der Risikountersuchungen bei Kernkraftwerken: Vortr.d.gleichnamigen GRS-Fachgespraechs, Koeln, 3.-4.November 1982 Essen: Vulkan Verl., 1983. - (Vortragsveroeffentlichungen / Haus der Technik ; H.461)
Transuranic wastes: summary and trends Krause, H. 1983. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on the Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes, Richland, Wash., April, 1982 Columbus, Ohio[usw.]: Battelle Pr., 1982 S.676-77 Blasewitz, A.G. [Hrsg.] The Treatment and Handling of Radioactive Wastes : Selected Papers pres.at the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, Richland, Wash., April 19-22, 1982 Columbus, Ohio [u.a.] : Batelle Pr., 1983. - S.637-38
Die Expertenbefragung in der SNR-Studie und ihre probabilistische Auswertung Hofer, E.; Loeffler, H.; Javeri, V.; Struwe, D. 1983. Stand der Risikountersuchungen bei Kernkraftwerken: Vortr.d.gleichnamigen GRS-Fachgespraechs, Koeln, 3.-4.November 1982 Essen: Vulkan Verl., 1983. - (Vortragsveroeffentlichungen / Haus der Technik ; H.461)
Thermodynamik und Kinetik der Oxidbildung Leistikow, S. 1983. Rahmel, A. ’Aufbau von Oxidschichten auf Hochtemperaturwerkstoffen und ihre technische Bedeutung’ Oberursel: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Metallkunde, 1983. - DGM-Symp., Augsburg, 30.September - 1.Oktober 1983
Bedeutung von Oxidschichten fuer die moderne Hochtemperaturtechnik Gruenling, H. W.; Leistikow, S.; Rahmel, A.; Schubert, F. 1983. Rahmel, A. ’Aufbau von Oxidschichten auf Hochtemperaturwerkstoffen und ihre technische Bedeutung’ Oberursel: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Metallkunde, 1983. - DGM-Symp., Augsburg, 30.September - 1.Oktober 1983
Condensed jet technology for internal targets. Invited paper Gspann, J. 1983. Use of Electron Rings for Nuclear Physics Research in the Intermediate Energy Region: Workshop Proc., Lund, S, October 5-7, 1982 Lund: Universitaet Lund, 1983. - Vol.1
Differential neutron production cross sections for 590 MeV protons Cierjacks, S.; Hino, Y.; Howe, S. D.; Raupp, F.; Buth, L. 1983. Boeckhoff, K.H. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Data for Science and Technology: Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Antwerpen, B, September 6-10, 1982 Dordrecht[u.a.] : Reidel Publ.Co. 1983
CABRI project - recent progress and present status Dadillon, J.; Kussmaul, G.; Agaisse, R.; Augier, G.; Bensoussan, P.; Butement, A. W.; Fabrega, S.; Haessler, M.; Hoppe, P.; Mitsuki, S.; Philipponneau, Y.; Rongier, P.; Steinbock, L.; Wolff, J. 1983. LMFBR Safety: Proc.of the Topical Meeting, Lyon, F, July 19-23, 1982 Brussels: ENS 1983.- Vol. 2
A comprehensive fuel nuclide analysis at the reprocessing input Arenz, H. J.; Koch, L.; Schoof, S. 1983. Nuclear Safeguards Technology 1982 Proc.of an Internat.Symp.on Recent Advances in Nuclear Material Safeguards, held in Wien, A, November 8-12, 1982 Wien: IAEA 1983 Vol.II (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/629) IAEA-SM-260/50
Uranium enrichment by the separation nozzle process Becker, E. W.; Bier, W.; Bley, P.; Ehrfeld, W.; Schubert, K.; Seidel, D. 1983. Nuclear Power Experience: Proc.of an Internat.Conf., Wien, A, Sept.13-17, 1982 Wien: IAEA, 1983.- Vol.3 (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/627) Zugl.: IAEA-CN-42/382
In-situ solidification of low and medium level wastes Kraemer, R.; Kroebel, R. 1983. Lutze, W. [Hrsg.] Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management: Proc.of Materials Research Society 5th Internat.Symp., Berlin, June 7-10, 1982.- New York, NY: North Holland, 1982 (Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings; 11)
SO₂-oxidation in aerosol particles and droplets Dlugi, R. 1983. Aerosols in Science Medicine and Technology. 10th Annual Conf.of the Association for Aerosol Research, Bologna, I, September 14-17, 1982 Journal of Aerosol Science, 14(1983)
Achieving the reliability and safety relevant to computer systems. Panel discussion Weber, G.; Schriefer, D.; u.a. 1983. Skwirzynski, J.K. [Hrsg.] Electronic Systems Effectiveness and Life Cycle Costing: Proc.of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Norwich, GB, July 19-31, 1982 Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983.- (NATO ASI Series: Series F, Computer and Systems Science; 3)
Complex system modelling with fault trees and stochastic processes Weber, G. 1983. Skwirzynski, J.K. [Hrsg.] Electronic Systems Effectiveness and Life Cycle Costing: Proc.of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Norwich, GB, July 19-31, 1982 Berlin[u.a.]: Springer, 1983.- (NATO ASI Series: Series F, Computer and Systems Science; 3)
The long-term storage of radioactive krypton by fixation in zeolite 5A Penzhorn, R. D.; Leitzig, H.; Guenther, K.; Schuster, P.; Noppel, H. E. 1983. First, M.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 17th DOE Nuclear Air Cleaning Conf., Denver, Colo., August 2-5, 1982 CONF-820833 (Februar 83) Vol.1
Recent activities of the CABRI hodoscope Helmick, H. H.; Baumung, K.; Boehnel, K. 1983. LMFBR Safety: Proc.of the Topical Meeting, Lyon, F, July 19-23, 1982 Brussels: ENS 1983.- Vol. 4
Manufacturing of the European LCT-Coil for the Large Coil Task Krauth, H.; Nyilas, A.; Ulbricht, A.; Albrecht, C.; Salzburger, H. 1983. Fusion Technology 1982: Proc.of the 12th Symp., Juelich, September 13-17, 1982.- 1.ed. Oxford[u.a.]: Pergamon Pr., 1983.-
Design and test of a vertical drift chamber (VDC) Jaki, J.; Matthaey, H.; Degitz, H.; Hoehne, A.; Kaercher, K.; Kluge, W.; Klein, U. 1983. Meeting on Low Energy Pion Physics, Neuchatel, CH, September 8-10, 1982 SIN Newsletter, (1983) Nr 15, S. NL37-38
Mist core cooling during the reflood phase of PWR-LOCA Ihle, P.; Rust, K.; Lee, S. L. 1983. Thermal Nuclear Reactor Safety: Proc.of the Internat.Meeting, Chicago, Ill., August 29 - September 2, 1982 NUREG/CP-0027 (1983) Vol. 3
HEPA filter response to high air flow velocities Ruedinger, V.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1983. First, M.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 17th DOE Nuclear Air Cleaning Conf., Denver, Colo., August 2-5, 1982 CONF-820833 (Februar 83)
Design and construction of a reliable microcomputer-based LMFBR protection system Schriefer, D.; Voges, U.; Weber, G. 1983. Nuclear Power Plant Control and Instrumentation : Proc.of an Internat.Workshop, Muenchen, October 11-15, 1982 Vienna : IAEA, 1983. - (International Atomic Energy Agency; STI/PUB/628) Zugl.: IAEA-SM-265
Developments in two-phase mass flow rate instrumentation Reimann, J. 1983. Kakac, S. [Hrsg.] Advances in Two Phase FLow and Heat Transfer : Fundamentals and Applications; Proc.of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Spitzingsee, August 31 - September 3, 1982 Boston[u.a.] : Nijhoff, 1983. -
Theory and measurement of the viscosity of suspensions Saeltzer, W. D.; Schulz, B. 1983. 8th European Conf.on Thermo-Physical Properties, Baden-Baden, September 27 - October 1, 1982; Proc. High Temperature - High Pressure, 15(1983)