Effect of composition and radiation on the Hertzian indentation behavior of nuclear waste glasses Matzke, H.; Kahl, L.; Saidl, J.; Routbort, J. L. 1984. Wickes, G.G. [Hrsg.]Nuclear Waste Management : Proc.of the 2nd Internat.Symp.on Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management during the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Chicago, Ill., April 24-27, 1983 Columbus, Ohio : American Ceramic Society, 1984. - (Advances in Ceramics; vol. 8), 697–709
Reinigungsmittel zur Entfernung von Oberflaechenkontaminationen Kunze, S. 1984. Bonka, H. [Hrsg.] Strahlenschutzaspekte bei radioaktiven Kontaminationen : 17.Jahrestagung d.Fachverbandes fuer Strahlenschutz, Aachen, 8.-10.Juni, 1983 Wuerenlingen : Eidg.Inst.fuer Reaktorforschung, 1983. -, 219–30
Studies on reprocessing FBR fuel Bleyl, H. J.; Ebert, K.; Ertel, D.; Ochsenfeld, W. 1984. Internat.Solvent Extraction Conf: ISEC; Denver, Colo., August 26 - September 2, 1983 New York, NY: American Inst.of Chemical Eng., 1983. -, 327–28
State-of-the-art of property determination by quantitative microstructural analysis of sintered materials Ondracek, G.; Pejsa, R. 1984. Stamboliev H. et al. [Hrsg.] Contemporary Inorganic Materials 1983. Proc.of the 6th Jugoslav-German Meeting on Materials Science and Development, Struga, YU, April 11-13, 1983 Skopje: University Kiril and Metodij 1984 6th Internat.Congress for Stereology, Gainesville, Fla., October 10-14, 1983, 7–19
Development of low-alloyed high strength Si-Mn P/M steels Klein, A.; Oberacker, R.; Thuemmler, F. 1984. Stamboliev H. et al. [Hrsg.] Contemporary Inorganic Materials 1983. Proc.of the 6th Jugoslav-German Meeting on Materials Science and Development, Struga, YU, April 11-13, 1983 Skopje: University Kiril and Metodij 1984, 145–52
Fatigue of sintered SiC with different sintering additives Grathwohl, G.; Hamminger, R.; Iwanek, H.; Thuemmler, F. 1984. Vincenzini, P. [Hrsg.] Science of Ceramics : Proc.of the 12th Internat.Conf., Saint-Vincent, I, June 27-30, 1983 Imola: Ceramurgica, 1984. - (Science of Ceramics; vol. 12), 583–90
A liquid helium piston pump with a superconducting drive Schmidt, C. 1984. Fast, R.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., August 15-17, 1983 New York: Plenum 1984 (Advances in Cryogenic Engineering; Vol.29), 821–28
Phonon spectra of A15 compounds Weber, W. 1984. Ziesche, P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 13th Annual Symp.on Electronic Structure of Metals and Alloys, Dresden, DDR, May 2-6, 1983 TU Dresden 1984
Management of radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants Krause, H. 1984. Radioactive Waste Management: Proc.of an Internat.Conf., Seattle, Wash., May 16-20, 1983. - Vol.2 Wien: International Atomic Energy Agency 1984 Zugl.: IAEA-CN-43/80, 3–13
Solvent extraction process and equipment for a LMFBR fuel reprocessing pilot plant Koch, G.; Bleyl, H. J.; Boehme, G.; Goldacker, H.; Haug, H. O.; Ochsenfeld, W.; Schmieder, H. 1984. Internat.Solvent Extraction Conf: ISEC; Denver, Colo., August 26 - September 2, 1983 New York, NY: American Inst.of Chemical Eng., 1983. -, 46–47
Modeling of Zircaloy-steam-oxidation under severe fuel damage conditions Malang, S.; Neitzel, H. J. 1984. Reactor Fuel Safety and Fission Product Release in Off-Normal and Accident Conditions : OECD-NEA-CSNI/IAEA Specialists’ Meeting, Risoe, DK, May 16-20, 1983 IAEA-IWGFPT-16(1983), 213–19
High field NbN superconductor on carbon fibers Dietrich, M.; Dustmann, C. H. 1984. Clark, A.F.; Reed, R.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 5th Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., August 15-17, 1983 New York: Plenum 1984 (Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials; Vol.30), 683–97
A new level density formula for arbitrary single particle level density by number theoretical methods Anzaldo Meneses, A. M. 1984. Nuclear Theory for Applications - 1982. Proc.of the Course on Advances in Nuclear Theory and Nuclear Data for Reactor Applications, during Winter College on Nuclear Physics and Reactors, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, I, January 25 - February 19, 1982 Trieste: Internat.Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1984, 57–62
Lifetime prediction for hot-pressed silicon nitride at high temperatures Fett, T.; Munz, D. 1984. Freiman, S.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the ASTM Symp.on Methods for Assessing the Structural Reliability of Brittle Materials, San Francisco, Calif., December 13, 1982 Philadelphia: ASTM 1984 (ASTM Special Technical Publication; 844), 154–76
Spectral simulations of the laminar-turbulent transition process in plane Poiseuille flow Kleiser, L.; Schumann, U. 1984. 8th Internat.Conf.on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Aachen, June 28 - July 2, 1982 Voigt, R.G. et al. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Symp.on Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Hampton, Va., August 16-18, 1982 Philadelphia: SIAM 1984, 141–63
SIMMER analysis of the upper structure dynamics experiment Wilhelm, D. 1984. Jones, A.V. [Hrsg.] Multiphase Processes in LMFBR Safety Analysis. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, March 29 - April 2, 1982 Bruxelles [usw.]: Commission of the European Communities 1984 EUR-8403-EN (1984), 471–91
Scale model experiments on expansion phase phenomena and their use in code verification Schmuck, P. 1984. Jones, A.V. [Hrsg.] Multiphase Processes in LMFBR Safety Analysis. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, March 29 - April 2, 1982 Bruxelles [usw.]: Commission of the European Communities 1984 EUR-8403-EN (1984), 431–69
Transition phase analysis for hypothetical loss of flow accidents Maschek, W. 1984. Jones, A.V. [Hrsg.] Multiphase Processes in LMFBR Safety Analysis. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, March 29 - April 2, 1982 Bruxelles [usw.]: Commission of the European Communities 1984 EUR-8403-EN (1984), 377–429
The constitution of the ruthenium-rhodium system Paschoal, J. O. A.; Kleykamp, H.; Thuemmler, F. 1984. Calphad, 12, Liege, B, August 29 - September 2, 1983 [Book of] Abstracts S.62 Journal of the Less-Common Metals, S.279-84, 98
14-MeV neutron irradiation of vanadium and nickel Kaletta, D.; Schneider, W. 1984. Journal of Nuclear Materials, Fusion Reactor Materials - Part A Whitley, J.B. et al. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Topical Meeting on Fusion Reactor Materials, Albuquerque, N.M., September 19-22, 1983, 122, 418–21
Development of superconductors for fusion. Invited paper Komarek, P. 1984. Journal de Physique, 8th Internat.Conf.on Magnet Technology (MT-8), Grenoble, F, September 5-9, 1983. Proc., Colloque C1, Suppl.au n⁰ 1, 45, C1/111–19
Neue Erkenntnisse ueber metallische Schadstoffe in der Luft Braun, H.; Metzger, M.; Vogg, H. 1984. Fresenius’ Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie, Symp.on Inorganic Analytical Chemistry in Environmental Research and Protection, Juelich, June 13-16, 1983, 317, 303–08
Operating characteristics of pulsed plate columns Schmidt, H. 1984. Separation Science and Technology, 3rd Symp.on for Energy Applications, Gatlinburg, Tenn., June 28 - July 1, 1983,(1983), 18, 1595–1616
Nuclear microprobe analysis at Karlsruhe Heck, D. 1984. Journal de Physique, 10th Internat.Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis (ICXOM), Toulouse, F, September 5-9, 1983, Colloque C2, Suppl.au n⁰2, 45, C2/245–48
Application of the Karlsruhe proton microprobe to medical samples Heck, D.; Rokita, E. 1984. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 3rd Internat.Conf.on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) and its Analytical Applications, Heidelberg, July 18-22, 1983, B3, 231, 606–10
Atomic structure of amorphous ytterbium-noble metal alloys: a Moessbauer study Czjzek, G.; Weschenfelder, D.; Oestreich, V.; Schmidt, H.; Vaures, A.; Maurer, M. 1984. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 5th Internat.Conf.on Liquid and Amorphous Metals, Los Angeles, Calif., August 15-19, 1983, 61/62(1984), 433–38
On changes of secondary emission by resonant tunneling via adsorbates Halbritter, J. 1984. Journal de Physique, 10th Internat.Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis (ICXOM), Toulouse, F, September 5-9, 1983, Colloque C2, Suppl.au n⁰2, S.C2/315-17 Segovia, J.L. de [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 9th Internat.Vacuum Congress and 5th Internat.Conf.on Solid Surfaces, Madrid, E, September 26-30, 1983 Madrid: Asociacion Espanola de Vacio y Sus Aplicaciones, 1983. - S.62 (Abstract), 45
Lattice relaxation at alkali metal surfaces Bohnen, K. P. 1984. Surface Science, General Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, Calif., March 21-25, 1983, 147, 304–28
Remote maintenance techniques in a radioactive vitrification plant Selig, M. 1984. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Proc.of the 31st Conf.on Remote Systems Technology, Detroit, Mich., June 12-17, 1983 La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society 1984 Vol. I S.131 -36,(1983) S.587-90, 44
The density and pressure of helium in bubbles in metals Jaeger, W.; Manzke, R.; Trinkaus, H.; Zeller, R.; Fink, J.; Crecelius, G.; Bay, H. L. 1984. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2nd General Conf.of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Manchester, GB, March 22-25, 1982 Proc.of the Internat.Symp.on Fundamental Aspects of Helium in Metals, Juelich, September 21-24, 1982 Radiation Effects,(1983) S.315-25, 111+112(1982) S.674-80, 78
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